Drug Policy Forum of Florida | National/International Organizations


Journey for Justice

Journey for Justice to Begin Seven Day Caravan from FL State Prison to Capitol Building Medical Marijuana Patients to ask for Amnesty?

Kevin Aplin, Scott Bledsoe, Bob Quail, KayLee, Jeff Brown displaying TNC posters.

Making the walls transparent....
Starke Florida Prison February 15th, 2000 Vigil August `99 Journey for Justice



by Kay Lee

April 4th 2000

Although the Journey marched loudly and firmly into Florida's capitol on March 30th, I just arrived home late last night. I've got so many mixed emotions that it is difficult to sort them out so soon, but I want everyone to know the uncompassionate conflicts these patients overcame this week in their effort to share the truth of bad policies with the people. And make no mistake. . . we were definitely in a war zone all the way across Florida. The small band of people traveling as the Journey for Justice had to fight battle after difficult battle to get their message of change all the way to the capitol.

Full Text

And one more won't make matters any better


On Thursday December 2nd, 1999 CAN Vice President Scott Bledsoe was arrested while petitioning outside ALL TeLL Stadium in Jacksonville, Florida. For Full Details see this link

Religious Freedom
Jeff Brown currently has a case pending for lighting up at last years Washington birthday hempfest in Tampa. "I have raised the Florida Religious Freedom Restoration Act as a defense stating that I was practicing my religion when arrested. I am of the Rastafarian faith". Court T.V. has indicated an interest in covering the trail which is slated for May 22 at 8 am in Tampa. "I would very much like to have some spectators. I will be defending myself and may be allowed to tell the jury that I was practicing my religion when arrested and that the state is persecuting me. I will also attempt to argue jury nullification". Contact JAB@LCIA.COM (JAB)

Medical Marijuana

Florida MS PATIENT, BILL WITT, Exemplifies the cruelty of Marijuana Laws

Joe Tacl, his wife and son [have answered] felony charges of cultivation for the 5 plants the police seized in a raid of their home.

DrugSense FOCUS Alert # 124 September 8, 1999 Florida Plan Gives Money to Dug Warriors and Takes Rights from Citizens Despite the refreshing voice of New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson, other state governors remain unwilling to retreat at all on the drug war. In Florida, a major escalation appears to be in the works. That's right, from the same people who can't understand why mutant dope-killing fungus is a risky proposition comes a plan to spend half a billion dollars on drug control in the state next year.

Open letter to Mrs. [G.W.] Bush "...Despite our sympathy for your position, we respectfully believe that Governor Bush's implied past drug use, and his views about it, are extremely relevant for evaluating his sense of fairness and justice. This is a different question from whether his drug use, if any, is by itself a disqualification from being president. We, too, do not think it is a disqualification...."

Bill McCollum's "Silver Bullet" - There's a killer fungus among us, and Florida's new drug czar Jim McDonough hopes to one day let it loose to murder the state's illegal marijuana crops. Only one problem: Scientists at the Florida Department of Environmental Protection fear the fungus could mutate, spread and kill off everything from tomatoes to endangered plants." -- Sat, 17 Jul 1999 - St. Petersburg Times (FL) - Copyright: 1999 St. Petersburg Times

Florida reform organizations and people
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Florida Drug News
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Discussion - Join The DPFFL discussion list.
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Events Rallies, festivals, fund raisers, concerts and media events of interest to anyone concerned with drug policy reform.
Please let us know of any events not listed here!

Books for further Study
This is not a complete list, it just scratches the surface of the mountain of literature which has been published in recent years on the topic of drug policy. More to come!

Thank You!
To all those who link to this site.

Stop the WAR!! Drug Policy Forum of Florida | National/International Organizations

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