Drug Policy Forum of Florida |
National/International Organizations
"TALLAHASSEE -- There's a killer fungus among us, and Florida's new drug czar Jim
McDonough hopes to one day let it loose to murder the state's illegal marijuana crops.
Only one problem: Scientists at the Florida Department of Environmental Protection fear the
fungus could mutate, spread and kill off everything from tomatoes to endangered plants."
-- Sat, 17 Jul 1999 - St. Petersburg Times (FL) - Copyright: 1999 St. Petersburg Times
NORML to the rescue! NORML slueths begin FOIA query for field testing data.
Weekly Planet Investigation of possible field testing in Peru
Unsolicited comments on Killer Fungus
Please let us know of any
news on this issue that should be included here.
- A quick search through Altavista gives a pretty good indication of how safe it is in it's natural state.
- Discussion and points of view
- A collection of news items and reader responses
- Fungus might fight drugs
- Miami Herald (FL) Tuesday, July 27 1999
- "But that's all it is at this juncture -- a thought -- says James McDonough, director of
Florida's Office of Drug Control." ** compare **
- Editorial: Marijuana-Killing Fungus Too Risky
- St. Petersburg Times (FL) Tue, July 20 1999
- Killer Fungus Touted To Eradicate State Pot Crop
- Full text of July 17th 1999 St. Pteresburg Times story from The Media Awareness Project
- "Bill McCollum, R-Longwood, who called mycoherbicides the "silver bullet" in the war on drugs." ** compare **
- US funds anti-drug fungus
- From the Collumbus Free Press Feb 17, 1999
- Drug War's Elusive Targets
- San Francisco Chronicle (CA) - Thursday February 4, 1999
- Libertarians blast Congress for spending $23 million to develop anti-drug killer fungus
- News From The Libertarian Party - January 11, 1999
- US GE: The Drug War's Fungal Solution?
- Covert Action Quarterly - Spring 1998