Freedom Fighters of the Month - Mark Greer and Matt Elrod
Source: High Times (US)
Pubdate: Sep, 2000
Copyright: 2000 Trans-High Corporation, redistributed by MAP by permission
Author: Steven Wishnia
The top site bookmarked on my Web browser at HIGH TIMES is, the
DrugSense/Media Awareness Project's collection of over 37,000 drug- related
news articles.
The MAP Inc Website is the most-surfed drug-policy site in the nation,
averaging over 70,000 hits a day last March and getting over 100,000 one
day April.
According to a comparison, the DrugSense/MAP Websites are
more popular then those of the Drug Czar's Office, Partnership for a
Drug-Free America, CASA and DARE combined. Last April, almost 8,000 other