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2008 Hunter S. Thompson NORML Media Award

Derek rea

The drug policy reform movement lost a dedicated activist and a great human being when Derek Rea died in 2008.

As a long-time Media Awareness Project editor, Derek helped to educate the reform community and others about drug policy and possible reforms. He also managed the selection process for the DrugSense recognitions of the Letter Writer of the Month and Letter Writer of the Week.

"Friends of SSDP"

SSDP Award

Award presented for Patronage of the Student Movement by Students for Sensible Drug Policy at the fourth SSDP National Conference, November 8th, 2002, Anaheim, California, in recognition of DrugSense hosting and technical support.

Freedom Fighters of the Month - Mark Greer and Matt Elrod

Freedom Fighters of the Month - Mark Greer and Matt Elrod

Source: High Times (US)
Pubdate: Sep, 2000
Copyright: 2000 Trans-High Corporation, redistributed by MAP by permission

Author: Steven Wishnia

The top site bookmarked on my Web browser at HIGH TIMES is, the
DrugSense/Media Awareness Project's collection of over 37,000 drug- related
news articles. 

The MAP Inc Website is the most-surfed drug-policy site in the nation,
averaging over 70,000 hits a day last March and getting over 100,000 one
day April. 

According to a comparison, the DrugSense/MAP Websites are
more popular then those of the Drug Czar's Office, Partnership for a
Drug-Free America, CASA and DARE combined.  Last April, almost 8,000 other