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Virginia: Governor Vetoes Adult-Use Marijuana Retail, Guts Medical Access Legislation

NORML Blog - Tue, 03/25/2025 - 06:48

"Once again, Governor Youngkin has prioritized his personal politics over public safety, opting to keep control of Virginia's marijuana market squarely in the hands of unregulated operators."

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Number of Federal Offenders Charged With Marijuana Trafficking Hits Record Low

NORML Blog - Tue, 03/25/2025 - 06:12

"Although Congress has failed to amend federal cannabis laws to explicitly recognize state-legal cannabis markets, the attitudes and priorities of federal law enforcement agents and prosecutors have clearly shifted in a manner that reflects their reality. Now it’s time for Congress to do so by repealing the failed policy of federal marijuana prohibition."

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Women Leading the Charge: A Celebration of Trailblazers in Cannabis

NORML Blog - Wed, 03/19/2025 - 11:09

From the beginning, women have played pivotal roles in the cannabis movement, often without due recognition—challenging outdated laws, fighting stigma, protecting people, and helping to build an industry from the ground up.

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NORML Op-Ed: Marijuana Consumers Are Under Attack in Multiple States and It’s Time To Fight Back

NORML Blog - Tue, 03/18/2025 - 13:19

Those who support legalizing marijuana are not part of the ideological fringe; we are the majority. It’s time for us to act like it and for lawmakers to treat cannabis consumers with the respect they deserve.

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Maryland: Senate Advances Bill Protecting Certain Public Employees From Being Fired Over Medical Cannabis Use

NORML Blog - Mon, 03/17/2025 - 13:05

"Just as patients taking traditional medications do not face punishment in the workplace unless their on-the-job performance is impaired, those who use medical cannabis during their off-hours should not face sanctions solely because of their status as a medical marijuana patient."

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Colorado: Lawmakers Shelve Proposal To Impose Ten Percent THC Potency Cap on Adult-Use Cannabis Products

NORML Blog - Wed, 03/12/2025 - 07:35

"Prohibiting these products doesn't eliminate consumers’ demand for them. Rather, it encourages consumers to seek them out from the unregulated market -- thereby undermining the primary goal of legalization, which is to provide consumers with safe, above-ground access to lab-tested products of known purity, potency, and quality."

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Survey: Adults Say Alcohol Poses Greater Risks to Health Than Marijuana

NORML Blog - Tue, 03/11/2025 - 12:33

By a nearly 3 to 1 margin, survey respondents agreed that regular alcohol use is “more harmful to a person’s health” than the regular use of cannabis.

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Idaho: Lawmakers Advance Resolution Eliminating Voters’ Ability To Legalize Marijuana by Ballot Initiative

NORML Blog - Thu, 03/06/2025 - 12:07

"State lawmakers are well aware that their 'reefer madness' views are out of step with most Idahoans. That is why they are seeking to remove voters from the equation."

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It’s Time for Cannabis Consumers To Stand Up

NORML Blog - Wed, 03/05/2025 - 07:00

WARNING: Legal cannabis is under attack across the US!

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Nebraska: Attorney General, Former Governor Urge Lawmakers to Ignore Medical Marijuana Legalization Vote

NORML Blog - Tue, 03/04/2025 - 10:21

"The individuals who are continuing to be opposed are absolutely disregarding the fact that 71 percent of people in this state support safe and regulated medical cannabis."

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Analysis: Young Adults More Likely To Consume Unregulated Delta-8 THC Products in Jurisdictions Where Cannabis Is Illegal

NORML Blog - Mon, 03/03/2025 - 12:13

"Once again, the lesson is clear: Legalizing and regulating marijuana markets is preferable to prohibiting them. Placing marijuana products behind the counter keeps cannabis out of the hands of young people and it reduces the public's appetite for these unregulated novel intoxicants."

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A Message from NORML’s New Board Chair

NORML Blog - Fri, 02/28/2025 - 15:28

"I have had the privilege of working alongside trailblazing advocates who have fought for policy reforms and those who remind us every day that too many Americans remain behind bars, still waiting for justice."

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North Dakota: House Members Advance Measure Reducing Marijuana Possession Penalties

NORML Blog - Thu, 02/27/2025 - 14:15

"The ongoing criminalization of marijuana is a terribly destructive policy that adversely impacts thousands of North Dakotans annually. Minor marijuana possession offenders should not be saddled with an arrest, a criminal record, and with the lifelong penalties and stigma associated with it."

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Ohio: Senate Lawmakers Advance Bill Amending Voter-Approved Marijuana Legalization Law

NORML Blog - Wed, 02/26/2025 - 13:43

"This bill is a slap in the face to the millions of Ohioans who voted in favor of Issue 2. Once again, politicians are arrogantly trying to claim that the public didn't know what they were voting for."

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Cannabis Freedoms Are Under Attack

NORML Blog - Tue, 02/25/2025 - 12:15

Marijuana consumers across the nation are under siege. Here's how NORML is fighting back.

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Study: Cannabis Use in Older Patients Associated With Improved Quality of Life, Lower Demand for Prescription Drugs

NORML Blog - Fri, 02/21/2025 - 08:08

"The results of this study indicate that cannabis may be a relatively safe and effective treatment for chronic pain, sleep disturbances, and other conditions associated with aging, leading to subsequent reductions in prescription drug use and healthcare costs, as well as significant improvements in quality of life."

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South Dakota: Lawmakers Narrowly Reject Effort to Repeal Voter-Approved Medical Cannabis Access

NORML Blog - Wed, 02/19/2025 - 12:13

Seventy percent of voters approved the law in 2020; the program currently serves more than 13,000 South Dakota patients.

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Idaho: Lawmakers Advance Legislation to Governor’s Desk Imposing Mandatory Minimum Penalties for Low-Level Marijuana Possession

NORML Blog - Wed, 02/19/2025 - 10:33

"House Bill 7 is mean-spirited and its one-size-fits-all approach is inconsistent with our longstanding principles of justice and fairness."

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NORML Op-Ed: Don’t Let Politicians Cancel Ohio’s Voter-Approved Marijuana Legalization Law

NORML Blog - Fri, 02/14/2025 - 12:08

Politicians proclaim that 'elections have consequences.' Increasingly, however, when it comes to elections deciding marijuana policies, Republican lawmakers are seeking to ensure that they don’t.

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Montana: Republican Lawmaker Calls for State Surveillance of Consumers’ Retail Marijuana Purchases

NORML Blog - Fri, 02/07/2025 - 12:56

"This legislation is anti-freedom, unnecessarily jeopardizes Montanans’ personal privacy, and seeks to fundamentally undermine the will of the 57 percent of voters who decided at the ballot box to legalize the adult-use cannabis market."

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