DrugSense Email Fundraiser (index)

Date: March 19, 2006
Subject: You need a good vehicle if you are going to go "high speed"!

You simply can not travel the Information Superhighway efficiently without a good vehicle and, since 1996, that's exactly the DrugSense Media Awareness Project (www.mapinc.org/) has become.

As the most comprehensive archive of drug-policy-related news ever developed, MAP attracts researchers, politicians, activists, journalists and others who wish to learn more about the progress and consequences of our current drug policy, and of alternatives being explored around the world. (www.drugsense.org/donate/)

But, like any good vehicle, making effective use of MAP's powerful search engine and database of 160,000 articles is dependent on the skill of the person at the wheel. To ensure that visitors get the most out of this incredible online resource, we have developed a series of useful "How-to" instructions and seminars to help "learners" kick off their training wheels and become experienced drivers quickly and efficiently.

We have now compiled all of this information on one easy-to-use page: the MAP "Index of Online Help Documents" (www.mapinc.org/help/). Here, you will learn about both the basic and advanced features of the powerful MAP search engine, as well as how to "Newshawk" articles, write successful LTEs and press releases, and use our new "Media Contact on Demand" tool. With MAP's Help, you and your organization can connect with thousands of national and international print, radio, and TV news outlets by fax or email -- all for FREE!

Although these unequalled resources are offered at no cost, we can not keep this vehicle on the road without putting gas in the engine, and that's why we count on donors like you. Please contribute today! (www.drugsense.org/donate/)

And, for a limited time, a matching funds grant will allow your donation to DrugSense/MAP to be DOUBLED! You'll have twice the impact for the same dollars!

Remember, DrugSense is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, so your donation is tax deductible to the extent provided by law.

Please check out our new index, and help DrugSense/MAP overtake prohibition and put the brakes on the War on Drugs by clicking on and DONATING TODAY: www.drugsense.org/donate/

Mark Greer

P.S. Here is a helpful brochure, drugsense.org/help/how2.pdf, about our "How-to" resources that you can print off, keep at your desk, and use as a handy reference tool.

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