How To Contact the Drug Policy Forum of Florida
Stephen Heath, Clearwater 727 712 0614 or res0gisj@verizon.net
John Chase, Palm Harbor 727 784 1234 or johnc@november.org
Join The DPFFL Discussion list
This discussion list has been established as a forum for the discussion of drug policy issues pertaining to Florida. Each subscriber receives Florida Area news items hawked to MAP as well as any posts to the list from other subscribers. If you'd like to join the discussion please send email to majordomo@drugsense.org saying "subscribe dpffl" or use this form.
Other lists
- Drugsense.org's list of state and other organizations.
Florida Drug News Keep ut on Florida drug policy news with frequent updates from MAP plus links to Florida newspapers and forums.
Information on Florida Ballot Initiatives (The Right to Treatment AND The Medical Marijuana ) Can Be Obtained By Contacting Stephen Heath
Florida Organizations
- Cannabis Action Network (CAN) is a non-profit organization working to
educate the public about the marijuana issue and the need for marijuana
- The Marijuana Policy Project works to minimize the harm associated with marijuana -- both the consumption of marijuana, and the laws
that are intended to prohibit such use. MPP believes that the greatest harm associated with marijuana is prison. To this end, MPP
focuses on removing criminal penalties for marijuana use, with a particular emphasis on making marijuana medically available to seriously
ill people who have the approval of their doctors.
- Among other things, the Libertarian Party supports an end to the Drug War F.A.Q.
- There is a tight-knit, well organized, unimaginably well funded and carefully camoflaged conspiracy to normalize fascism in the name of the Drug War. Much to the chagrin of most Floridians, some of the highest rollers hail from our own home state.
Drug News And Information
- DrugSense is working to encourage accuracy, honesty, and common sense in matters involving the failed, expensive, and destructive "War on Drugs."
- The Media Awareness Project is working to acccurately archive all news, comment and opinion regarding drug policy and the War on Drugs.
- Mid sized collection of Industrial Hemp related info. Created and maintained by Ginger Warbis, a Florida native.
If you're looking for something that was here awhile ago, Click Here to check the old site.
Drug Policy Forum of Florida |
National/International Organizations
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This page has been accessed10889
times since Saturday, March 3, 2002
and was last updated: Monday, February 25, 2002