Medical Marijuana Links and Resources

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Mailing Lists The Drug News Digest


State Office
2215-R Market Street #278
San Francisco, CA 94114
(415) 563-5858
Los Angeles Office
8749 Holloway Drive
West Hollywood, CA 90069
(310) 652-8654

The Lindesmith Center
400 West 59th Street,
New York, NY 10019

American Civil Liberties Union
National Headquarters
132 West 43rd Street
New York, N.Y. 10036
(212) 944-9800 Ext.
408 Fax (212) 869-9065
Coalition for Hemp Awareness
P. O. Box 9068
Chandler Heights, AZ 85227
(602) 988-9355
(602) 988-9438
Alliance for Cannabis
P.O. Box 21210
Kalorama Station
Washington D.C. 20009

In the News

CNN's Ongoing coverage An in-depth site covering all aspects of the marijuana as medicine controversy.
High Hopes for Hemp An excellent website by MNBC regarding the medical marijuana debate, includes a slide-show presentation. (A day at a buyer's club).
The Media Awareness Project MAP offers facts, links and great letter-writing techniques to getting your voice heard.


She Who Remembers
American Society for Action on Pain
Californians For Compassionate Use
The Campaign to Legalize Cannabis An activist campaign located in the UK.
The Drug Policy Foundation The Drug Policy Foundation is an independent non-profit organization with over 20,000 members that publicize alternatives to the failing "war on drugs."
Marijuana The Forbidden Medicine This site features excerpts from the book "Marihuana - The Forbidden Medicine by Lester Grinspoon, M.D., as well as links and other information.
NORMLThe National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws
The Medical Marijuana Handbook
HighLife Magazine (Netherlands)
The Drug Policy Forum of Texas Serving the public by providing information and expert opinion about legal and illegal drugs and the issues surrounding them.
The Drug Reform Coordination Network
High Times Magazine
The Cannabis Information Directory
The Colorado Hemp Initiative Project
Hemp World Magazine
Marijuana as Medicine
The November Coalition ~ An organization of citizens whose lives have been gravely affected by the Government's present drug policy.
Feed Magazine
Hemp Guide
Drug Text
Families Against Mandatory Minimums
The Carl Olsen Marijuana Archives
The Nation Magazine
Slate-Hey Wait A Minute Magazine
Smoke and Mirrors, A Book Review
Cyber Hemp Excellent website with a great list of links and resources.
The Will Foster Story

Prohibitionist Organizations:

Join Together Online
Publishers Group Web Site
Partnership for A Drug-Free America
National Institute on Drug Abuse
Drug Watch International
National Families In Action
The DEA Home Page
The National Center On Addiction and Substance Abuse