DrugSense Email Fundraiser Index

28 December 2009

Your Donation To One Group Will Help 130 Others

Donate Now!
Holiday giving can be a tricky decision. There are so many deserving causes and organizations, and only so much money. Where can your donation get the most "bang for the buck"?

The good folks at DrugSense would like to make this decision easier for you. Through our Drug Policy Central web hosting division (http://drugpolicycentral.com), we provide subsidized websites and other online services to dozens of local, state and national drug policy reform and harm reduction organizations, including: Common Sense for Drug Policy (CSDP), DanceSafe, Drug War Facts, Flex Your Rights, the Harm Reduction Coalition (HRC), Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP), Mothers Against Misuse and Abuse (MAMA), the November Coalition, and Safe Access Now, to name just a few. A complete list of DPC clients can be found at http:/www.drugpolicycentral.com/hosting/clients.php.

In other words, a donation to DrugSense helps to support the good work of over 130 other organizations also working to end drug prohibition.

Donate Now! While many of these services are offered at little or no cost, they aren't free to produce or to maintain. We count on YOUR support to in turn support some of the world's most effective drug policy reform groups. We can only continue this good work because of your donations.

We ask you to give generously this holiday season to DrugSense and consequently many other amazing organizations working so hard to end this expensive and ineffective war on drugs. DONATE TO DRUGSENSE TODAY!! Just visit http://drugsense.org/donate It's quick, easy, secure, and tax deductible. Please help us end this unjust and unwinnable war on personal choices, rights and freedoms; give to DrugSense - and help 130 other organizations - today.

Mark Greer
Executive Director

Don't forget! You can spread your donation over the course of a year by automatically repeating it every month, quarter, or half year as noted on our donate page at http://www.drugsense.org/donate

Checks can also be made payable to DrugSense and mailed to:

14252 Culver Dr #328
Irvine, CA 92604-0326

Or you can donate toll free by calling 1-800-266-5759.

P.S. See our ad and an article about us on Page 20 of the Winter 2010 edition of the West Coast Leaf http://www.westcoastleaf.com/2-4/leaf2-4rgb.pdf.

Happy Holidays!!