DrugSense Email Fundraiser Index

In the spirit of sharing we give you the Insider
A gift from DrugSense Happy Holidays to one and all!

The Holidays are a time of sharing and giving. Certainly, DrugSense through its many projects has given much to the reform of harsh and cruel policies toward substance use.

Since November 2006, we have published a special newsletter called the "DrugSense/MAP Insider" intended just for internal audiences. We feel that offering it to one and all is another great way to show our appreciation to those who have supported our organization.

In that spirit, we give you DrugSense/MAP Insider Issue 12. You can find it in PDF format by clicking on this link Insider Volume 4, Issue 12.

We extend our heartfelt thank you to everyone who has followed, volunteered, for, and donated to DrugSense over the past 15 years.


Don E. Wirtshafter
Board Chair

Donate Now! When considering your year-end giving, don't forget that reforming drug policy through DrugSense as a 501(c)(3) non-profit is tax deductible to the extent provided by law. Donating is quick and easy. Just visit http://drugsense.org/donate.

Send your check or money order to:

14252 Culver Dr #328
Irvine, CA 92604-0326

Or you can donate toll free by calling 1-800-266-5759.

Donations can automatically repeating it every month, quarter, or half year as noted here www.drugsense.org/donate.

Happy Holidays!!