DrugSense Email Fundraiser (index)

Date: December 07, 2008
Subject: Support effective drug policy reform during a time of change

Support effective drug policy reform during a time of change

Change is constant. Change is inevitable. Wise words from British statesman, Benjamin Disraeli, which are highly relevant to drug policy reform, especially in the wake of historic elections in the United States and Canada.

Change creates both new opportunities and new challenges. With new administrations, legislators, and policy makers taking the helm after long and hard fought campaigns, it's tempting to hope that change alone will make things better with regard to substance use and addiction. However, inaction at this critical time would be a big mistake, for NOW is the time to increase public pressure to move towards evidence-based drug policies.

NOW, we have the opportunity to convince the new faces in government that the status quo isn't working. Change is not passive, and we must re-double our effort and work together to meet this new challenge.

The status quo has got to go!

So how do we make the most of change? Perhaps more importantly, how do we continue to fund and support effective drug policy efforts during this time of uncertainty and economic unrest?

At DrugSense, we have two suggestions:

- Invest wisely by funding organizations with a proven track record of success and a clear vision and strategy to end the War on Drugs.

- Give NOW to create real change, so that we can save it long term.

DrugSense is the backbone of online drug policy reform and activism, and your donation gets an incredible "bang for the buck". Here's what donating www.drugsense.org/donate to DrugSense today makes possible:

- A knowledge base that attracts an average of 500,000 unique visitors each month to DrugSense and MAP Websites, which serve a monthly average of 2.8 million pages and bring in visitors from more than 125 countries to hear our message.

- Our fully searchable DrugNews Archive of over 200,000 drug policy related newspaper, magazine, and Web articles. www.mapinc.org/drugnews/

- More than 26,000 reform-focused Letters to the Editor (LTEs), which have been published over the past twelve years and which are valued at over $26 million. www.mapinc.org/lte/

- Web and technical support services for more than 120 drug policy focused organizations. www.drugpolicycentral.com/

- A first class electronic newsletter that has been summarizing the weekly drug policy news for the last 577 consecutive weeks and reaching an estimated 20,000 readers each week. /drugsense.org/nl/

With a new leadership at all levels of government, we have opportunities for meaningful drug policy reform in 2009. Help ensure that we don't miss this opportunity for real change by extending a portion of your year-end giving to DrugSense. www.drugsense.org/donate/

End the year on the right note. Enable change. Donate NOW to DrugSense!

Thank you for your continued support,

Mark Greer
Executive Director

DrugSense is a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational organization. Your contribution is tax deductible to the extent provided by law.

You can spread your donation over the course of a year by automatically repeating it every month, quarter, or half year as noted on our donate page at www.drugsense.org/donate/.

Checks can also be made payable to DrugSense and mailed to:

14252 Culver Dr #328
Irvine, CA 92604-0326

Or you can donate toll free by calling 1-800-266-5759.

Again, donating is quick, easy, and secure online at www.drugsense.org/donate/

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