DrugSense Email Fundraiser (index)

Date: November 29, 2007
Subject: Giving Thanks

Although we offer an incredible array of online services for those interested in drug policy reform, DrugSense has always focused on an honest, evidence-based critique of the War-on-Drugs. With the holiday season upon us, we thought that it would be worthwhile to examine a few facets of reform for which we are most thankful:

1. The Sentencing Commission. The U.S. Sentencing Commission is on the verge of reconsidering the coke/crack disparity and potentially lowering about 20,000 prison sentences. What a holiday gift to so many families!

2. Socially responsible substance use researchers. These creative researchers often face personal and professional criticism for taking evidence-based stands regarding illicit substances. Without their dedication to the truth, we would have a much weaker scientific basis for our work.

3. Our remaining federally-authorized medical cannabis patients. With Irv Rosenfeld recently celebrating his 25th anniversary in the now defunct Compassionate IND program, we all owe the few remaining IND participants gratitude for their strength and courage as they speak out for our right to make fundamental decisions affecting our personal health.

4. Effective national DPR organizations (you know who you are!). In this David and Goliath battle to end prohibition, we need and benefit from these remarkable organizations (and their wealthy funders) and a big-picture approach to evidence-based policies.

5. Community-based reform organizations. Change begins at home. The impact of local drug policy reform groups and initiatives that they field can be felt nationally and internationally. We salute local reformers who risk so much for all of us.

6. Informed voters. As we have recently seen in both Denver and Hailey, Idaho, (and in so many cities and states before these), a well-informed electorate is quick to reject the War on Drugs when given the chance. Let's hope that politicians note this trend as we approach the 2008 elections.

7. Informed politicians. Whether incumbents or newcomers, it is becoming clear that challenging failed prohibitionist policies is no longer political suicide, but rather a sign of common sense and compassion.

8. National and international DPR gatherings. With the MPP and NORML conferences earlier in the year and the DPA and SSDP conferences about to take place, now is a good time to reflect on and give thanks for these opportunities to strategize, socialize, and quite simply reenergize our batteries with fellow reformers.

9. Egg Nog. Yummy!!

10. All of you. Because you care about ending the War on Drugs, we're able to offer the invaluable services found at www.mapinc.org/ and www.drugsense.org/. DrugSense is a volunteer-driven organization dependent on your donations to continue our good work.

Help us perpetuate an honest, evidence-based critique of the drug war by donating quickly and easily at drugsense.org/support.php All online donations are secure and private.

Plus, the end of the year represents a great time to make tax deductible contributions to 501(c)(3) educational non-profits like DrugSense. Donating before January 1 offers you tax benefits in April. Further, some regulations expire or change after the first of the year, so timing can be all important. drugsense.org/support.php

You can also make your check or money order payable to DrugSense and mail it to:

14252 Culver Dr #328
Irvine, CA 92604-0326

REMEMBER, you can easily repeat your donation every month, quarter, or half year to provide DrugSense with automatic, recurring support.

Please sign up for whatever you can afford. drugsense.org/support.php

Even though there's still much work to be done to put an end to this war on our personal rights and freedoms, let's also remember during the holiday season to give thanks for those people and organizations that work so hard to make things better for everyone.

Happy Holidays from DrugSense/MAP!

Mark Greer,
Executive Director

P.S. Are you looking to make an even bigger impact on reform through your charitable giving? Please contact me personally or e-mail donor@drugsense.org for ideas on how to put your trust or will to work at DrugSense, both now and in the future, to create a legacy of sensible drug policies.

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