January 11, 2008 #531 |
- * Breaking News (03/06/25)
- * This Just In
(1) Initiative Would Make Marijuana Legal For Ill
(2) VT. Senate To Consider Bills Easing Pot Laws
(3) 25 Plants Per Parcel Stands
(4) Decision Opens Field For Medical Marijuana Growers
- * Weekly News in Review
Drug Policy-
COMMENT: (5-8)
(5) America's Love-Hate Relationship with Drugs
(6) OPED: Prescriptions Now Teens' Drugs of Abuse
(7) Rise Seen in Trafficking of Enhanced Ecstasy
(8) Column: Long-Running War On Drugs Has Been An Abject Failure
Law Enforcement & Prisons-
COMMENT: (9-13)
(9) Woman Defends Her Deceased Sister
(10) Mother Blames Deputy for Son's Heroin Death
(11) Cuts Feared As Crime Funds Slashed
(12) Narcotics Group Hits 'Massive' Cuts
(13) DA: Drug Dealers Go Straight or Go to Jail
Cannabis & Hemp-
COMMENT: (14-17)
(14) The Prince Of Pot Deserves B.C. Support
(15) Gravel Tells Kids: Use Pot Over Alcohol
(16) Gordon Brown Planning Clampdown On Cannabis Over Health Concerns
(17) Pot Arrests Higher For Blacks In City
International News-
COMMENT: (18-21)
(18) OPED: Why Is Canada Copying Failure?
(19) Supreme Court Will Hear Challenge To Property Seizure Law
(20) U.S. Says Mexico Is Main Source Of Meth
(21) All Addict Rehab Centres Operate Illegally
- * Hot Off The 'Net
America's Love-Hate Relationship With Drugs / By Bruce E. Levine
Hey, Kids! Try This At Home! / By Jacob Sullum
Drugs In A Free Society - Prohibition Or Legalization
New NORML Report Assesses Pot And Driving Risk
International Drug Policy Reform Conference In Audio And Video
Drug Truth Network
International Campaign To Stop Drug Executions Gearing Up
- * What You Can Do This Week
Join the Netherlands For Nobel Peace Prize Campaign
Join A Discussion Of Women And The Drug War
MPP Seeks Graphic Designer
- * Letter Of The Week
Envision These Scenes / Suzanne Wills
- * Letter Writer Of The Month
Greg Francisco
- * Feature Article
My DrugSense Life / Mary Jane Borden
- * Quote of the Week
John Milton
DrugSense needs your support to continue this newsletter and many
other important projects - see how you can help at
Pubdate: | Fri, 11 Jan 2008 |
Source: | East Valley Tribune (AZ) |
Copyright: | 2008 East Valley Tribune. |
Author: | Howard Fischer, Capitol Media Services |
Arizona voters may get a chance this year to do what they thought they
were doing in 1996: allow people who are ill to possess and use
marijuana legally.
An initiative being crafted would spell out that individuals who are
certified by their doctors as needing the drug would be able to
possess small amounts -- the details are still being worked out --
without running afoul of state law. They also would be able to grow
their own drugs.
Backers, organized as the Arizona Medical Marijuana Policy Project,
have until July 3 to get the 153,365 signatures necessary to put the
measure on the November ballot.
Financing for the initiative is coming from the national Marijuana
Policy Project which bills itself as the largest marijuana policy
reform organization in the country. It already has kicked in $10,000.
Alternate language for this measure, still being worked out, would
allow doctors to "recommend" marijuana.
That distinction is crucial: The U.S. Supreme Court, in a historic
2003 ruling, blocked the DEA from going after California doctors who,
using that state's law, recommend a patient use marijuana.
Pubdate: | Fri, 11 Jan 2008 |
Source: | Times Argus (Barre, VT) |
Copyright: | 2008 Times Argus |
Author: | Daniel Barlow, Vermont Press Bureau |
MONTPELIER - Senate lawmakers will consider a bill making it a civil,
not criminal, offense to possess small amounts of marijuana. At the
same time, they will also look at a second bill increasing the
penalties for possessing heroin and cocaine by reducing the amount
possessed that constitutes "trafficking."
The moves come following months of public debate on the efficacy and
social and fiscal costs of Vermont's drug policies and whether it
makes sense to decriminalize marijuana.
Sen. Richard Sears, D-Bennington, has scheduled a hearing before the
Senate Judiciary Committee on the evening of Jan. 23 to hear from
members of the public who have concerns about Vermont's drug policies.
After the hearing, that committee is expected to begin taking
testimony on the two-pronged approach, which would boost penalties
for possessing the harder drugs and use civil violations and the
court diversion program for marijuana possession.
"I thought it was important to let the public weigh in before we
started taking a close look at the proposals," said Sears, the chair
of the Judiciary Committee. "This is a change in state law regarding
drugs, and the public probably has some thoughts about this."
The marijuana decriminalization bill, proposed last year by Sen.
Jeanette White, D-Windham, would make it a civil violation, with a
fine of up to $1,000, to possess up to four ounces of marijuana or
two small marijuana plants. Selling small amounts of marijuana would
result in a $250 fine, according to the bill.
Possessing or selling larger amounts of the plant more than four
ounces or more than five plants would still be a criminal act, under
the bill, and could result in fines of up to $100,000 and five years
in prison.
The second bill, proposed last year by Sears, lowers the trafficking
criminal charges threshold for cocaine from 300 grams to 150 and from
seven grams for heroin to 3.5 grams. Penalties for being caught with
these drugs would be jail time of up to 30 years and a fine of up to
$1 million.
Sears said he believes the trafficking thresholds for the hard drugs
are too low in Vermont, but he added that he and other committee
members do have concerns with the levels of decriminalized marijuana
in White's bill, opening the door to the possibility that the four
ounces could lowered.
"Four ounces of marijuana is a felony," he said. "I don't think we
want to go there."
Senate President Pro Tem Peter Shumlin, D-Windham, has placed drug
law reform as one of his priorities for this new legislative session
-- a topic that Gov. James Douglas, a Republican, has said he is open
to having discussed, although he has not endorsed the effort.
The public hearing on the two drug bills is scheduled for 6 p.m. in
Room 11 at the Statehouse on Jan. 23.
Pubdate: | Thu, 10 Jan 2008 |
Source: | Ukiah Daily Journal, The (CA) |
Copyright: | 2008 The Ukiah Daily Journal |
Author: | Rob Burgess, The Daily Journal |
Neither the votes nor the opinions behind them wavered as the
Mendocino County Board of Supervisors once again voted 3-2 Tuesday to
affirm the restriction on the number of medical marijuana plants
allowed on any one parcel of land to 25, regardless of the number of
qualified patients residing there.
When the board opened the floor for public comment on the matter,
Pebbles Trippet, Mendocino Medical Marijuana Advisory Board adviser,
said the measure would be exclusionary to a large population of patients.
"It would discriminate against the joint tenant owners of land," she
said. "It would also discriminate against the majority of marijuana
patients who rent. This is not a good situation to put patients
in...I feel this is not speaking for the majority."
Tom Davenport said the board was opening up the county to legal
action if it passed the ordinance.
"The cultivation ordinance will not pass legal muster," he said. "You
don't need to take my word for it, but take a good long look at
fiscal responsibility. It's going to cost the county a lot of money
on a legal battle that they are going to lose."
Asked by 4th District Supervisor Kendall Smith about the legality of
the measure, County Counsel Jeanine Nadel said she had not
encountered any discrepancies.
A ballot initiative that, if passed by voters in the June 3 primary,
would repeal Measure G and institute the state medical marijuana
limits was also passed at Tuesday's meeting by a 4-1 vote.
On Nov. 8, 2000, Mendocino County voters approved Measure G, a
resolution calling for the decriminalization of personal use and
cultivation of up to 25 adult female marijuana plants or the
equivalent in dried marijuana, by a vote of 58 percent.
Pubdate: | Fri, 11 Jan 2008 |
Source: | Chronicle Herald (CN NS) |
Copyright: | 2008 The Canadian Press |
TORONTO - Canadians who are prescribed marijuana to treat their
illnesses will no longer be forced to rely on the federal government
as a supplier following a Federal Court ruling that struck down a key
restriction in Ottawa's controversial medical marijuana program.
The decision by Judge Barry Strayer, released late Thursday,
essentially grants medical marijuana users more freedom in picking
their own grower and allows growers to supply the drug to more than
one patient.
It's also another blow to the federal government, whose attempts to
tightly control access to medical marijuana have prompted numerous
court challenges.
Currently, medical users can grow their own pot but growers can't
supply the drug to more than one user at a time.
Lawyers for medical users argued that restriction effectively
established Health Canada as the country's sole legal provider of
medical marijuana.
They also said the restriction was unfair, and that it prevented
seriously ill Canadians from obtaining the drug they needed to treat
their debilitating illnesses.
In his decision, Strayer called the provision unconstitutional and
arbitrary, as it "caused individuals a major difficulty with
Ottawa must also reconsider requests made by a group of medical users
who brought the matter to court to have a single outside supplier as
their designated producer, Strayer said in his 23-page decision.
While the government has argued that medical users who can't grow
their own marijuana can obtain it from its contract manufacturer,
fewer than 20 per cent of patients actually use the government's
supply, Strayer wrote.
"In my view it is not tenable for the government, consistently with
the right established in other courts for qualified medical users to
have reasonable access to marijuana, to force them either to buy from
the government contractor, grow their own or be limited to the
unnecessarily restrictive system of designated producers," he wrote.
"(It was) constitutionally suspect from the beginning," said lawyer
Alan Young, who argued in court on behalf of the sick.
"My position always was that if you're going to do something like
that, you'd better have an adequate alternative."
Ottawa could either rewrite the regulations, come up with a new
ratio, "or they can simply leave it as an open market so that people
who are experienced and have the right secure facility will be able
to apply to grow for 10 patients, 20 patients," Young said.
The government may also draft quality-control regulations for outside
suppliers to ensure patients get the best product possible, said Marzel.
But he believes the Crown will appeal the decision.
Domestic News- Policy
COMMENT: (5-8) (Top) |
Alternet ran a thought-provoking and thorough piece on the fine line
between licit and illicit psychotropic substances. An OPED by a CEO
of a company which attempts to educate school-aged children about
the dangers of popping pills they find in their home medicine
Many pills sold as Ecstasy have always, and probably will always,
contain some amphetamine. Recently drug warriors are attempting to
turn this fact into a new 'epidemic' and blaming it on our neighbors
to the North. They, of course, are not mentioning that this
increases the importance of groups like DanceSafe who continue to
fight for harm reduction. Ironically, we covered stories last week
of North Wales Chief Constable who claims the substance to be safer
than aspirin.
Ending on a positive note with an column which could and should run
in every paper across our freedom-loving nation.
Pubdate: | Wed, 09 Jan 2008 |
Source: | AlterNet (US Web) |
Copyright: | 2008 Independent Media Institute |
Author: | Bruce E. Levine, AlterNet |
Many Prescription Drugs Have Effects Similar To Those Of Illegal
Drugs. But We Still View Some Users As Criminals -- The Others As
While Americans are inundated with coverage of the Democrats'
quibbling over Barack Obama's use of marijuana and cocaine as a
teenager, a truly important drug story continues to be neglected:
The hypocrisy of Big Pharma, psychiatry officialdom, and justice
institutions regarding mood-altering ( psychotropic ) drugs --
specifically the denial of the similarity between illegal and
psychiatric drugs.
Author and science writer Michael Pollan observed the following
about Americans' illegal-psychiatric drug hypocrisy: "Historians of
the future will wonder how a people possessed of such a deep faith
in the power of drugs also found themselves fighting a war against
certain other drugs with not-dissimilar powers. ... We hate drugs.
We love drugs. Or could it be that we hate the fact that we love
When we recognize that psychotropic prescription drugs are
chemically similar to illegal psychotropic drugs, and that all of
these substances are used for similar purposes, we see two
injustices. First, we see the classification of millions of
Americans as criminals for using certain drugs, while millions of
others, using essentially similar drugs for similar purposes, are
seen as patients. Second, we see a denial of those societal
realities that compel increasing numbers of Americans to use
psychotropic drugs.
The illegal-psychiatric drug hypocrisy in the U.S. is an ugly
triumph. It is a triumph of marketing over science. It is a triumph
for pharmaceutical corporations and America's ever-growing
prison-industrial complex. It is a triumph for those comfortably
atop society who would rather Americans view their malaise as
exclusively a medical rather than a social problem. And ultimately,
it is a triumph of injustice and greed over human rights and a sane
Pubdate: | Mon, 07 Jan 2008 |
Source: | Billings Gazette, The (MT) |
Copyright: | 2008 The Billings Gazette |
Note: | Sharon Sloane is president and CEO of Potomac, Md.-based WILL |
Interactive, Inc., which has produced a program used in more than
10,000 U.S. schools to educate students about the abuse of
prescription drugs. She has 25 years of experience in producing
cutting-edge instructional systems for behavior modification and
performance improvement technology and holds a master's degree in
counseling from the University of Connecticut and a bachelor's degree
in education from Boston University.
While drug education programs have contributed to the decline of
illegal drug use among American youth, the abuse of prescription
drugs by teens continues to rise. In fact, according to a federally
financed study released last month by the National Institute on Drug
Abuse ( NIDA ) at the White House, illicit drug use by teens has
continued to gradually decline overall in 2007, but the use of
prescription painkillers remains popular among young people. So
while we have been fighting a battle to educate our youth about drug
abuse on one front, another front has quietly opened and expanded.
The Office of National Drug Control Policy reported in February 2007
that three out of 10 teens believe pain relievers are not addictive,
and 1/3 of teens believe that there is "nothing wrong" with
occasional abuse of prescription medication. Further, the 2005
National Survey on Drug Use and Health reported 47.3 percent of
teens obtained pain relievers from friends for free; 10.2 percent
took them from a friend or relative without permission; and 10
percent bought them from a friend or relative. These findings
suggest that there is a perception that misusing prescription drugs
is safer than using street drugs.
What is required is a focus on the underlying root of the problem.
We must concentrate on decision-making, judgment, critical thinking
and how, why, and under what conditions teens make behavioral
choices. The key to success lies in teaching youth how to think
rather than what to think. This learning must occur with great
attention paid to the context of teens' real life experiences, the
stresses and resources at their disposal and the unique physical and
emotional characteristics of this demographic.
Source: | New York Times (NY) |
Copyright: | 2008 The New York Times Company |
Methamphetamine-laced Ecstasy is flowing across the Canadian border
into the United States, according to a warning last week from the
federal government to public health and local law enforcement
The White House Office of National Drug Control Policy reports that
seizures of Ecstasy at the northern border increased tenfold from
2003 to 2006, with more than half of the contraband tablets
containing methamphetamine, a vastly more addicting drug. This
matches findings by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
The development comes after an uptick in Ecstasy use after years of
waning popularity for the club drug and just as the supply of
methamphetamine is being strangled at the Mexican border. Some law
enforcement and treatment experts hypothesize that the turbocharged
combination is an effort by traffickers to reverse trends
unfavorable to their business by marketing a new product at a new
point of entry.
Treatment professionals say addiction to Ecstasy, a synthetic
stimulant, is rare. But it can induce euphoria, hallucinations,
memory loss, elevated body temperature and increased heart rate.
Methamphetamine, also a synthetic stimulant that can reduce sexual
inhibitions, is highly addictive, these experts say, with a half
life of 8 to 12 hours, versus an hour or two for Ecstasy alone. In
combination, these experts say, the dangers of each drug could be
Pubdate: | Fri, 04 Jan 2008 |
Source: | Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL) |
Copyright: | 2008 The Daily Herald Company |
You don't hear much about the nation's "war on drugs" these days.
It's a has-been, a glamourless geezer.
Its glitz has been stolen by the "war on terror," which gets the
media hype and campaign trail rhetoric.
Railing against recreational drug use and demanding that offenders
be locked away is so '90s.
But the drug war proceeds, mostly away from news cameras and
photo-ops, still chewing up federal and state resources and casting
criminal sanctions over entire neighborhoods. Some four or so
decades into an intensive effort to stamp out recreational drug use,
billions of dollars have been spent; thousands of criminals, many of
them foreigners, have been enriched; and hundreds of thousands of
Americans have been imprisoned. And the use of illegal substances
continues unabated.
With the nation poised on the brink of a new political era, isn't it
time to abandon the wrongheaded war on drugs?
Isn't it time to admit that this second Prohibition has been as big
a failure as the last - the one aimed at alcohol?
The nation's so-called war on drugs recalls that old Vietnam War
phrase about "burning the village" in order to save it. It also
brings to mind Albert Einstein's famous definition of insanity:
Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
Our war on drugs really is a war on people.
That's true insanity.
Law Enforcement & Prisons
COMMENT: (9-13) (Top) |
Last Friday night two more citizens became victims of the continuing
unnecessary use of a SWAT team for a minor drug bust. Coverage of
this tragedy is still confined to local media even though word has
been quickly spreading via the 'net and those closest to this
tragedy beg for answers. Contrast that story with one about an
officer who decided not only to walk away from an obvious overdosing
victim but made time to text a callous message about him.
I'm not sure if it'll make things better or worse but there were a
couple reports of drug enforcement budget crunches this week. It
has, though, certainly has gotten the hackles up of those who depend
on those dollars.
A New York Nassau County DA was thinking "outside the box" with her
recent handling of 17 alleged crack dealers. She hopes combining
community members' peer pressure with a chance to avoid prosecution
will keep the participants from returning to the wrong side of the
Copyright: | 2008 Freedom Newspapers Inc. |
LIMA -- Tarika Wilson was to begin college Monday to study business
in hopes of making a better life for herself and her six children.
"She was supposed to start Monday with me," her sister, Tania
Wilson, said.
Tarika Wilson will never have that chance.
A Lima Police Department SWAT team officer shot her to death Friday
inside her home at 218 E. Third St. during an evening drug raid. The
circumstances remained under investigation Saturday with police
officials releasing few details about what happened inside the home.
Lima police officials turned the investigation over to the Ohio
Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation for an
independent investigation because it involves officers in the
department, Chief Greg Garlock said.
The man police was after, Anthony Terry, the boyfriend of Tarika
Wilson, was downstairs in the home. Tarika Wilson and her six
children were upstairs, Tania Wilson said.
Tarika Wilson was with her children helping them clean their
bedrooms when the home was raided. Tarika Wilson's daughter said her
mom was holding the baby when she was shot, Tania Wilson said.
Pubdate: | Thu, 10 Jan 2008 |
Source: | Sarasota Herald-Tribune (FL) |
Copyright: | 2008 Sarasota Herald-Tribune |
Lawsuit Claims Officer Should Have Called EMTs
SARASOTA COUNTY -- Deputy Gabriel Eckert stopped in a shopping
center parking lot and noticed a 21-year-old man apparently passed
out in the passenger seat of a Jeep, with mucus coming from his
Eckert tapped on the window with his flashlight and got no response.
He spent about 15 seconds there, then sent a digital communication
to other deputies: "U SHOULD C THIS 1 ... HE IS CLOSER TO DEAD ...
Stephen M. Bongiorno was found dead of a heroin overdose in the Jeep
the next morning, and his mother has filed a wrongful-death lawsuit
against Eckert and Sarasota County for not doing more to help her
During an internal investigation, Eckert said he should have pulled
on the door handle when he stopped at about 1 a.m. in the lot at
2881 Clark Road, Sheriff's Office records state. He also said he
should have been more assertive in determining Bongiorno's condition
and called an ambulance if needed.
A shopping center employee saw Bongiorno's body in the Jeep at about
6:30 a.m. on Nov. 1, 2006.
A cell phone was open on his lap, the vehicle doors were unlocked
and the key was in the ignition, a Sheriff's Office record states.
Pubdate: | Sat, 05 Jan 2008 |
Source: | Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (WI) |
Copyright: | 2008 Journal Sentinel Inc. |
Prosecutors Predict Fewer Staff, Programs
Statewide programs for anti-drug task forces and crime
victim/witness services are in line for drastic cuts, and the
Milwaukee County district attorney's office might have to eliminate
jobs if federal law enforcement funding cuts approved by President
Bush hold up, Wisconsin prosecutors say.
"It is a dramatic issue for 2009," District Attorney John T.
Chisholm said Friday.
"It's not a matter of calling it the sky falling. . . . The money's
just not going to be there for any number of programs, including
community prosecution ( and ) drug prosecution."
Chisholm and a spokesman for state Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen
both said significant rollbacks for state law-enforcement efforts
are likely if a two-thirds cut in a key federal grant program isn't
In the federal appropriations bill signed in December, the
nationwide Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program's
fiscal-year 2008 funding was cut from $520 million to $170 million -
and in Wisconsin, the two-thirds cut would affect federally funded
programs statewide and a group of prosecuting jobs in the Milwaukee
district attorney's office that the grants fund directly.
Source: | Washington Times (DC) |
Copyright: | 2008 News World Communications, Inc. |
A coalition that represents dozens of state narcotic officers
associations wants Congress to explain what the group calls "massive
cuts to critical criminal justice programs" in the fiscal 2008
appropriations bill.
"More than 26,000 Americans die each year as a direct result of drug
abuse. Drug abuse and addiction destroys communities, robs children
of their hopes and dreams and weakens our economy. Drug sales fuel
gangs and are responsible for much of our nation's violent crime,"
said Ronald E. Brooks, president of National Narcotic Officers'
Associations' Coalition ( NNOAC ), which represents 44 state
associations with nearly 70,000 drug-enforcement officers.
"Drug trafficking is domestic terrorism and is a chemical attack on
American communities," he said, adding it was "extremely
disappointing" and "irresponsible for our nation's leaders" when
Congress cut the programs instead of supporting effective anti-drug
The fiscal 2008 Omnibus Appropriations Bill cuts $350 million, or 67
percent, from the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (
JAG ) Program, which authorized the awarding of grants to states and
local governments to improve the criminal justice system -- with
emphasis on violent crime and serious offenders -- and enforce state
and local laws that establish offenses similar to federal drug
Grants also are used to provide personnel, equipment, training,
technical assistance and information systems for more widespread
apprehension, prosecution, adjudication, detention and
rehabilitation of offenders who violate such laws. Grants also have
been used to provide assistance to victims of crime.
Copyright: | 2008 Newsday Inc. |
The 17 suspected drug dealers caught peddling narcotics on tape in
sting operations on Terrace Avenue and Bedell Street in Hempstead
had two choices offered to them by Nassau District Attorney Kathleen
Rice: | Go straight -- and go free -- or go straight to jail. |
There are stipulations. It's a one-time offer for the suspects, who
have previous arrests and face prison terms ranging from a year in
jail to life in prison. And they had to show up Tuesday night to
accept the terms of the deal at a town-hall meeting at the
African-American Museum in Hempstead, Rice said.
"We are trying to eradicate the open-air drug market ... and give
that neighborhood back to the community because all the people in
that community are held hostage," Rice said.
If any of the 13 at Tuesday night's meeting get into trouble again,
Rice said they'll face charges both from the current investigation
as well as any new crimes.
At the meeting, the 13 candidates sat before chairs bearing pictures
of 22 other suspects who were arrested on felony drug charges. The
suspects in the pictures were not offered the same deal.
The 13 who were offered the deal were surrounded by more than 250
Hempstead residents, including Mayor Wayne Hall and Police Chief
Joseph Wing.
During 2007, Rice's office and police identified 39 people as "major
drug players" after conducting undercover drug buys, videotaped
exchanges and taped conversations, Rice said.
From that group, all but 17 were arrested because of their violent
arrest history. The 17, who all have prior drug arrests, were chosen
because they appeared to be selling drugs to support an addiction or
for a main source of employment.
The letter they got told them, "After we conducted an extensive drug
investigation on Terrace Avenue and Bedell Street you have been
positively identified as selling drugs on the street."
"All you have to do is agree to turn your life around," Rice said.
"For those of you who have a need, we are going to make all the
social services available to you. You all are going to be
fast-tracked through the system."
Cannabis & Hemp-
COMMENT: (14-17) (Top) |
Marc Emery, Canada's "Prince of Pot," is generating more ink on
Canadian opinion pages as the final extradition hearing for Marc and
his co-accused, Michelle Rainey and Greg Williams, draws near.
It is refreshing to see more than one U.S. presidential candidate
making the case for drug policy reform, even if they are merely
stating the obvious, that cannabis is safer than alcohol.
In Britain, the Home Office seems determined to re-reclassify
cannabis no matter what the experts say, and is urging the Advisory
Council on the Misuse of Drugs, who have thusfar rejected
re-reclassification on solid scientific grounds, to reconsider the
wrong message reclassification sent to kids.
A new report from Seattle, where cannabis possession is the lowest
law enforcement priority, has confirmed the findings of similar
studies; relaxing cannabis laws does not increase usage rates,
although giving the police more descretion exacerbates existing
enforcement disparities.
Source: | Victoria Times-Colonist (CN BC) |
Copyright: | 2008 Times Colonist |
Author: | Les Leyne, Times Colonist |
It would be a fascinating and revealing political debate that would
tell us a lot about B.C. Too bad it will likely never happen.
B.C. Liberals and New Democrats are much too careful to say publicly
what they really think about Marc Emery, the Prince of Pot. He might
soon be a hot political issue, but provincial politicians want little
to do with him. To ask an MLA about Emery is to discover how many
incredibly important other things they have to do right now --
Emery is scheduled for an extradition hearing Jan. 21. The U.S. Drug
Enforcement Agency wants to take him across the border and try him on
charges relating to the marijuana seed business he ran flagrantly and
successfully in Vancouver for years.
A conviction for selling seeds to U.S. customers would likely land him
in prison for a number of years. That's an outcome he publicly dreads,
but has been courting for ages.
Emery is a martyr, and his case is a good example of how uncomfortable
it is to be around martyrs. He's a relentless self-promoter and
professional agitator who's given Canadian and U.S. authorities fits
for years.
His arrest almost three years ago at the request of the DEA is payback
for all the embarrassment he's created. After years of advocating
legalized pot, smoking joints in front of TV cameras and making a pile
of money selling seeds around the world, he was busted and his
business was raided by Canadian police acting on the request/order of
the DEA.
Delivering him to the front lines of the "war on drugs" would be an
embarrassment to Canadians and a terrible example of caving in to the
biggest public policy failure since Prohibition. But there's a good
chance that's exactly what's going to happen.
Source: | Chicago Tribune (IL) |
Copyright: | 2008 Chicago Tribune Company |
Author: | Rick Pearson, Tribune political reporter |
Not much has been heard recently from former Alaska Sen. Mike Gravel
as the candidate continues his long-shot bid for the Democratic
presidential nomination, but he did gain attention with recent remarks
on alcohol and drugs during a high school visit.
Gravel, 77, appeared Sunday night at the Phillips Exeter Academy in
Exeter as part of a series in which candidates and candidate
representatives were asked to speak to students about their campaigns.
At one point Gravel, who has called the war on drugs a failure,
offered the students some advice.
"I'm sure a lot of you have tripped out on alcohol," Gravel said.
"It's a lot safer to do it on marijuana."
Gravel, whose comments were recorded by WMUR-TV in Manchester, also
told the students, "With respect to other drugs, if you've got a
problem with coke, go to a doctor, get a prescription and get it
filled at a drug store."
He has maintained that drug use is a public health problem, not a
criminal one, and has proposed replacing what he calls "prohibition"
with a regulation of hard drugs.
"Go get yourself a fifth of Scotch or a fifth of gin and chug-a-lug it
down and you'll find you lose your senses a lot faster than you would
smoking some marijuana," Gravel said.
Julie Quinn, director of communications for Phillips Exeter, would say
only that "the candidates have a right to their own opinions."
Copyright: | 2008 Times Newspapers Ltd |
Authors: | Francis Elliott and Richard Ford |
Cannabis is to be reclassified as a Class B drug after an official
review this spring, The Times has learnt.
Gordon Brown and Jacqui Smith are determined to reverse the decision
to downgrade the drug when the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs
completes its report in the next few months.
While its recommendations are not yet known, ministers are already
making plain that the Home Secretary is prepared to overrule the
expert body if necessary.
Reclassifying cannabis as a Class B drug will mean that anyone found
in possession of the substance could face a five-year jail term and an
unlimited fine rather than a police warning and confiscation of the
drug. The penalty for supplying would remain the same, at a maximum 14
years in jail and unlimited fines.
The advisory council, which rejected a previous attempt to reclassify
cannabis in 2006, has been told to take into account public attitudes
to cannabis as well as the medical evidence of its harm in reaching
its conclusion.
Ms Smith wants the council to acknowledge the signal that the
reclassification of cannabis from Class B to Class C in 2004 sent to
the public, including the perception that the drug was harmless and
even legal.
Source: | Seattle Post-Intelligencer (WA) |
Copyright: | 2008 Seattle Post-Intelligencer |
Author: | Angela Galloway, P-I Reporter |
All Marijuana Cases Down After Initiative
White Seattleites have enjoyed a disproportionately larger share of
the reduction in misdemeanor marijuana charges -- compared with black
people -- since Seattle voters designated such crimes the city's
lowest law enforcement priority, according to a new city study.
Overall, police and prosecutors less often pursue possession charges
against both blacks and whites. But the proportion of those charged
who are African-American has grown.
In fact, although whites vastly outnumber black men and women in
Seattle, authorities arrested and charged more African-Americans in
2006 on marijuana allegations, according to a report presented by the
Marijuana Policy Review Panel. The panel recommended officials dig
deeper into that data to determine what is causing the disparity.
'The report highlights the racial disparity in marijuana enforcement,
which is indicative of the disparity of all drug enforcement," said
Dominic Holden, who was chairman of the Initiative 75 campaign and a
member of the review panel.
But City Attorney Tom Carr insisted that the numbers were too small to
indicate a trend. "Drawing conclusions from data in the hundreds (of
cases) is something that you can't do," Carr told the City Council on
In late 2003, Seattle voters approved an initiative directing city law
enforcement to treat personal marijuana use by adults as its lowest
priority. Since then, the overall number of cases investigated by
police and pursued by city prosecutors has dropped, the report found.
However, the study acknowledged it was unable to definitively link the
decrease to I-75.
Still, Holden said in an interview that the report generally shows,
"I-75 worked exactly as voters had hoped and as the campaign had
International News
COMMENT: (18-21) (Top) |
Why, Canadian Senator and former policeman Larry Campbell is asking,
would the rightist regime of Prime Minister Stephen Harper
deliberately choose drug policies that end up maximizing the miseries
of drugs and creating more hard drug users? "More prisons and more
people in prisons has not worked for our southern neighbors, and
there is no logic behind the move to increase criminal penalties for
drugs," says Campbell in a Vancouver Sun piece this week. Whatever
the reason, gung-ho US-style drug prohibition policies certainly
wouldn't be a jobs program for police, prison guards, and myriad
other drug war camp followers and growth industries like privatized
prisons, drug testing companies, and the drug rehab industry. Nothing
like that.
The Canadian Supreme Court will review The Province of Ontario's
property seizure laws, laws which allow government to simply take
money and property, without charges that any laws have been broken.
The court decided to hear an appeal stemming from a 2003 case where
the Ontario government confiscated $29,000 from a man, because police
allege he owned "equipment often used in marijuana grow operations".
Defense lawyers argue the law violates Canada's Charter of Rights and
Freedom's presumption-of-innocence guarantee.
When things aren't going well, and the news isn't good news - perhaps
it is best to keep it short. This seems to be the Sun-Sentinel's
policy this week when it took all of three short paragraphs to
announce that (despite a zealous shoot-em-up drug warrior installed
as the President of Mexico) most illegal meth in the U.S. comes from
Mexico. All that talk about meth lab strike forces, get tough, and
shoot first? It simply pushed production south-of-the-border.
The scandal of it! Not one of Bangladesh's drug rehabilitation
clinics - all 115 of them - complied with the law, which requires a
"trained doctor and nurse" on staff. "With absolutely no
monitoring... the centres are virtually run by people who are
tantamount to quacks", noted The Daily Star newspaper in Bangladesh.
Come to think of it, the same situation exists in the modern, western
nations like the United States, where drug rehabilitation
"councilors" are frequently last year's drug rehab graduates. "The
capital witnessed a mushrooming of drug addict treatment and rehab
centres over the years as the business has proven to be a money
Source: | Vancouver Sun (CN BC) |
Copyright: | 2008 The Vancouver Sun |
Author: | Larry Campbell, Special to the Sun |
Note: | Senator Larry W. Campbell is a member of Law Enforcement Against |
Prohibition (LEAP), an international, non-profit educational
organization made up of current and former members of law enforcement
who believe the existing U.S. drug policies have failed.
The Harper Government's U.S.-Style Tough Line on Drugs Benefits No
One but Criminals and Their Syndicates
Is there really anyone anywhere in Canada who believes that U.S.
drug policies are working? Or that they are deserving of being
copied here?
This is the direction Prime Minister Stephen Harper would have us
More prisons and more people in prisons has not worked for our
southern neighbours, and there is no logic behind the move to
increase criminal penalties for drugs.
In fact, logic dictates that we move away from criminalization and
focus instead on a policy that emphasizes medical intervention for
those Canadians who abuse drugs.
What about our teens? In the pique of a rebellious phase they grow a
few plants, get arrested and end up getting their higher education
in prison rather then university. And the burden of a criminal
record makes them pariahs in the job market.
Prohibition is a failure that bears no resemblance to any logical
solution to our drug problems.
We must end prohibition, not expand it.
Source: | Law Times (Canada) |
Copyright: | CLB Media 2008 |
The Supreme Court of Canada will scrutinize Ontario's Civil Remedies
Act after granting a Toronto-area man leave to appeal an Ontario
Court of Appeal decision that backed the seizure of his property.
Police found Robin Chatterjee in 2003 in a vehicle, carrying $29,020
in cash and equipment often used in marijuana grow operations, but
he was not charged.
The Attorney General's Office later seized the cash and equipment
under the CRA, which Chatterjee argues treads into federal
jurisdiction. He also claims the law violates the Charter of Rights
and Freedom's presumption-of-innocence guarantee.
A Superior Court judge turned down Chatterjee's constitutional
challenge, a ruling the Ontario Court of Appeal affirmed in May
James Diamond, one of Chatterjee's lawyers, says his client is
pleased by the Supreme Court's Dec. 20, 2007 decision to hear the
Pubdate: | Sun, 06 Jan 2008 |
Source: | Sun-Sentinel (Fort Lauderdale, FL) |
Copyright: | 2008 Sun-Sentinel Company |
Mexico City Quito Caracas - Mexican drug traffickers are the main
suppliers of methamphetamine to the United States and produce
enormous quantities of the drug despite government crackdowns,
according to a recent U.S. Justice Department report.
Mexico's efforts to restrict imports of precursor chemicals needed
to make the drug, and a number of high-profile drug busts, have not
led to lower meth production, the report said.
"Despite heightened chemical import restrictions in Mexico,
methamphetamine production in that country has increased since 2004,
and Mexico is now the primary source of methamphetamine to U.S. drug
markets," the National Drug Intelligence Center's 2008 report on
methamphetamine said.
Pubdate: | Mon, 07 Jan 2008 |
Source: | The Daily Star (Bangladesh) |
Copyright: | 2005 The Daily Star |
Author: | Shariful Islam and Shaheen Mollah |
Most Of The 115 Clinics In City Lacks Trained Doctors
Although the law makes it mandatory for all drug addiction treatment
and rehabilitation centres to obtain licenses from the Department of
Narcotics Control (DNC), none of the 115 such centres in the capital
has any.
Almost all of those centres also do not have any trained doctor and
nurse despite a gazette notification by the home ministry on July 2,
2005 making it mandatory for those centres to have full-time doctors,
psychiatrists, and trained nurses.
With absolutely no monitoring by DNC, which is responsible for the
job, the centres are virtually run by people who are tantamount to
quacks, resulting in a majority of the patients relapsing into the
addiction even after getting treatment or after being 'rehabilitated'.
An investigation by The Daily Star revealed that even former heroin
addicts are running a number of those centres.
The capital witnessed a mushrooming of drug addict treatment and rehab
centres over the years as the business has proven to be a money
churner. A recent DNC survey reveals that there are 115 drug addiction
treatment and rehab centres in the capital, all of which are operating
without any license.
By Bruce E. Levine, AlterNet
Many prescription drugs have effects similar to those of illegal
drugs. But we still view some users as criminals -- the others as
By Jacob Sullum, January 10, 2008
James Q. Wilson, Professor of Management and Public Policy debates
Ethan A. Nadelmann, Founder and Executive Director of the Drug Policy
Alliance, University of San Francisco, 3/27/2007
Pot Law Reform Group Calls For Science-Based Educational Campaign
Targeting Drugged Driving Behavior
Washington, DC: Motorists should be discouraged from driving if they
have recently smoked cannabis, and they should never operate a motor
vehicle after having recently consumed both marijuana and alcohol,
according to a comprehensive new report published today by the NORML
If you missed last month's International Drug Policy Reform Conference
in New Orleans, think about the issues you most would have liked to
take on. If you were there, think about what inspired you, opened your
eyes, or made you look at things in a new way.
You can experience those moments all over again or immerse yourself
for the first time, thanks to downloadable audio recordings now
available on the DPA website.
Century of Lies
Marc Emery, Canada's "Prince of Pot" discusses his forthcoming
extradition hearing to send him to the US for a potential life
sentence for exporting marijuana seeds + Paul Wright, publisher of
Prison Legal News.
Cultural Baggage Radio Show
Alison Chinn Holcomb of ACLU of Washington Foundation discusses
marijuana laws + Report on cadmium poisoning of federal prisoners with
Karen Garrison whose son Lawrence was exposed plus Paul Wright,
publisher of Prison Legal News.
from Drug War Chronicle, Issue #518, 1/11/08
Despite the steadily rising toll, the use of the death penalty as a
tool in the war on drugs rarely receives much attention, let alone
sustained analysis. But that could be beginning to change as harm
reduction and human rights organizations gear up to put the state-
sanctioned killing of drug offenders in the international spotlight.
Inspired by the recent success of former U.S. Vice President Al Gore
in awakening the world to the dangers of global warming by receiving
the Nobel Peace Prize for his advocacy work, NORML is coordinating
the nomination of the Netherlands for a Nobel Peace Prize for its
achievements in minimizing drug use in its citizens, while at the
same time restricting imprisonment. More details available at
Discussing the various roles of women in the drug war is the only way
to really elevate this issue to the level that it deserves. If you
would be interested in adding to this discussion or connecting with
other women in the movement, please email to
be added to the listserve, all genders welcome!
The Marijuana Policy Project, a fast-paced, well-respected lobbying
organization, is seeking a Graphic Designer. The Graphic Designer is
MPP's sole design employee and thus is responsible for all aspects of
design work - from the design work itself to obtaining price quotes
from printers and mail shops and shepherding projects through all
stages of production.
For more information see: http://www.mpp.org/jobs/
By Suzanne Wills
Re: "Marijuana tickets not catching on - Law designed to free jail
space not used by N. Texas counties as prosecutors question
propriety," Monday news story.
Dallas County District Attorney Craig Watkins has brought honor to
his office with his smart-on-crime approach to the job. He should
extend it to setting up a system for processing misdemeanor
Consider two scenarios:
A student is caught with a small amount of marijuana. She is
arrested and taken to jail where she is subjected to the humiliation
and degradation that is unavoidable in the situation.
She cannot post bail, so she spends several days awaiting trial. She
misses school so she is dropped by her college. She misses work, so
she loses her job. She is tried and released with the stigma of
being on probation.
She is no longer a student and will have a difficult time finding
Or, the same student is issued a ticket and given a court date. She
works extra hours to earn money for the fine. She goes to court and
pays it. She is still a student and is still employed. The county is
saved the cost of a trial and has collected the fine.
Both the student and the citizens of Dallas County are far better
Suzanne Wills, Drug Policy Forum of Texas, Dallas
Source: | Dallas Morning News (TX) |
DrugSense recognizes Greg Francisco of Paw Paw, Michigan for his four
letters published during December, which brings his total published
letters that we know of to 54. Greg is a speaker for Law Enforcement
Against Prohibition http://drugsense.org/url/84sLgybi , a member of
Educators for Sensible Drug Policy http://efsdp.org/ and the webmaster
for Michigan NORML http://www.minorml.org/
You may read his published letters at:
By Mary Jane Borden
Let's say a major funder came calling and asked what we as activists
did with our time. What value do we offer the movement? What have we
accomplished over the past year? What might any one of us tell them?
Here's my response:
Drug policy as a vocation reflects more of a calling than a job. No
day is the same. It's not something you do 8:00 to 5:00; rather, you
bleed this issue 24/7. Ironically, I find myself doing less actual
activism - LTES, political phone trees, or blogging - than I would
like. Instead, I perform the many, varied business tasks that
advance our issue at both the macro and micro levels.
DrugSense represents my macro effort in that I work on a national
and international level often with people I rarely see. The folks in
the next metaphoric cubical actually reside as much as 3,000 miles
away. Therefore, the organization's primary communication tools are
the Internet services we offer to others. Guess you might say we try
them out and master them first.
Naturally, in this electronic world, e-mail is king. Like many of
reformers, I begin by checking e-mail and reacting to the issue of
the day - fighting the immediate fires before tackling the various
other projects on my plate. I can receive as many as 100
drug-policy-focused messages daily, although only a subset requires
immediate attention.
After e-mail, I focus on marketing DrugSense to stakeholders in my
capacity as DrugSense Business Manager/Fundraising Specialist. I
write and publish the quarterly postal newsletter, the DrugSense/MAP
Insider, and compose all grant applications. I pen weekly meeting
notes, edit fundraisers, create collateral material, and author
strategic plans. And, from 'soup to nuts,' I field at least one
direct mail campaign per year.
Some of my more significant 2007 accomplishments include:
- Three PUB LTEs published in the Zanesville Times
Recorder/Coshocton Tribune (O'Reilly Right on Medical Marijuana
http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v07/n402/a03.html ), the Marion Star,
and the Columbus Dispatch (Voters Should Back Cannabis as Medicine
http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v07/n1026/a08.html ).
- Eight DrugSense Weekly Feature Articles.
- Twelve monthly columns for OPNews, many focusing on Chemical
Bigotry, http://www.ohiopatient.net/v2/content/view/659/169/
- Some of the above articles can be found at
http://www.ChemicalBigotry.org/, a new site designed to counter
this growing civil rights injustice.
- Wrote three funded grant proposals and associated follow-up
- Published four DrugSense/MAP Insider newsletters,
- Designed four DrugSense flyers or brochures,
- Represented DrugSense at three conferences: the MPP GREAT
conference in April, selling attendees on the value of DrugSense
resources; ICMA Conference in Pittsburgh in October for LEAP; and
the DPA Conference in December, representing DrugSense's on a media
activism panel.
- Named October 2007 LEAP Volunteer of the Month for work at the
ICMA Conference.
You might think that my day was done once my DrugSense work was
complete. I must be a compulsive workaholic, for DrugSense
represents only one side of my drug policy brain.
On the micro, grassroots level, I co-founded the 501(c)(3) Ohio
Patient Network ( http://www.ohiopatient.net/ ) seven years ago and
have served as its President and Treasurer. I also co-founded this
group's 501(c)(4) lobbying arm, the Ohio Patient Action Network (
http://www.ohiopatientaction.org/ ), for which I have served as
Secretary. My accomplishments there include preparing almost all
corporate filings, writing or participating in the composition of
all grant proposals, securing/retaining the c-3 tax status,
composing all bylaws, and penning the group's Statement of Values.
I've also lobbied dozens of legislators about medical marijuana and
spoken at numerous events on the topic.
Aside from completing my day-to-day duties and culling through a
lengthy to-do list, my primary interests now lie in creating an
endowment to fund DrugSense and drug policy reform in perpetuity and
in organizational dynamics, which include building on my growing
knowledge of how non-profits should function both legally and
So as you see, there is no typical day in the life of this drug
policy reform activist. Although I'll probably be spending my
retirement 'saving the world,' I believe that that I have the means,
opportunity, and motivation to do this important work. If not me,
who? My overall goal is to do 'good' work, with good defined as
being both of high quality and of altruistic benefit to others.
DrugSense and drug policy are the vehicles by which I bring this
goal to reality.
Mary Jane Borden is a writer, artist, and activist in drug policy
from Westerville, Ohio. She serves as Business Manager/Fundraising
Specialist for DrugSense.
"The real and lasting victories are those of peace and not of war."
- John Milton, seventeenth-century English poet
DS Weekly is one of the many free educational services DrugSense
offers our members. Watch this feature to learn more about what
DrugSense can do for you.
Please utilize the following URLs
Policy and Law Enforcement/Prison content selection and analysis by
Jo-D Harrison (), This Just In selection by Richard
Lake (), International content selection and analysis
by Doug Snead (), Cannabis/Hemp content selection
and analysis, Hot Off The Net selection and Layout by Matt Elrod
(). Analysis comments represent the personal
views of editors, not necessarily the views of DrugSense.
We wish to thank all our contributors, editors, NewsHawks and letter
writing activists. Please help us help reform. Become a NewsHawk See
http://www.mapinc.org/hawk.htm for info on contributing clippings.
In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is
distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior
interest in receiving the included information for research and
educational purposes.
Mail in your contribution. Make checks payable to MAP Inc. send your
contribution to:
The Media Awareness Project (MAP) Inc.
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14252 Culver Drive #328
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