January 3, 2003 #282 |
- * Breaking News (03/04/25)
- * This Just In
(1) Canada: Pot Possession Not Illegal, Judge Rules
(2) Lawyer Blames Canadian Deaths On Air Force Amphetamines
(3) Pro-Marijuana Group Mounts New Offensive Against US Drug Policy
(4) The Latest From Tulia
- * DrugSense Has A New Address
- * The Year In Review As Viewed By Drugsense Volunteers
- * Hot Off The 'Net
Will You Help Ashley and Her Dad? / CSDP
Cannabis and Canada: Year 2002 in Review / Debra Harper
Drugnews Greatest Hits 2002 / Matthew Elrod
- * Quote of the Week
Samuel Johnson
Possessing marijuana is no longer illegal for anyone in Canada, an
Ontario judge ruled yesterday.
In April, police arrested a 16-year-old truant in a park carrying five
grams of it. He was charged with possession of marijuana.
Yesterday, he was cleared of that charge when Judge Douglas Phillips
of the Ontario Court in Windsor agreed with the young man's defence:
Federal laws against marijuana possession are no longer valid.
The decision does not bind other judges in similar cases, but defence
lawyers are expected to pick up the argument.
Unlike recent cases in which chronically ill defendants persuaded
judges to give them access to marijuana, the teenager did not argue
that he has an ailment. He used a legal opening created in 2000, when
an Ontario Court of Appeal judge ruled Canada's marijuana-possession
law invalid because it did not allow Terry Parker, an epileptic, and
other chronically ill people to smoke it to lessen their symptoms.
The judge, however, delayed that ruling's effect for one year in hope
that the government would introduce a medicinal-marijuana law.
But the government did not. Instead, the cabinet issued regulations
for access to medicinal marijuana one day before the year-long grace
period ended.
Pubdate: | Fri, 03 Jan 2003 |
Source: | Globe and Mail (Canada) |
Copyright: | 2003, The Globe and Mail Company |
Author: | Colin Freeze, Crime Reporter |
New Orleans -- A lawyer for one of two U.S. pilots who dropped a bomb
killing four Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan last April says the U.S.
air force had pressured the pilots to take amphetamines that may have
impaired their judgment during the mission.
Majs. Harry Schmidt and William Umbach face a possible court-martial
for dropping the laser-guided bomb near Kandahar on April 18. A U.S.
air force investigation determined the pilots "demonstrated poor
airmanship" and ignored standard procedure by not making sure there
were no allied troops in the area.
But Umbach's lawyer, David Beck, said he will prove at a Jan. 13
hearing on whether to court-martial the pilots that the U.S. air force
routinely pressures pilots to take dexamphetamine, a prescription drug
also known as "go pills." He said the drug can impair judgment and is
not recommended for people operating heavy equipment.
The U.S. air force prevents pilots from flying if they refuse to take
the pills, Beck said.
U.S. air force spokeswoman Lieut. Jennifer Ferrau acknowledged the
pills are used as a "fatigue management tool" to help pilots stay
alert through long missions. But she said the use of the pills is
voluntary, and that their effects have been thoroughly tested.
"There have been decades of study on their efficacy and practicality,"
she said. "The surgeon general worked very closely with commanders on
Pubdate: | Thu, 02 Jan 2003 |
Source: | Capital Times, The (WI) |
Copyright: | 2003 The Capital Times |
A group supporting the legalization of marijuana is
planning a new Internet offensive against the Bush administration
after an administration official alleged that marijuana-related
hospital emergency room visits are way up.
Scott Burns, deputy director for state and local affairs for the White
House Office of National Drug Control, said in a letter to the
National District Attorneys' Association that "marijuana is not
harmless but has risen as a factor in emergency room visits 176
percent since 1964, surpassing heroin."
Keith Stroup, executive director of the National Organization for the
Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML), called the administration's stand an
"incredibly disgusting example of government propaganda" and announced
that his group is initiating a new offensive next week against the
administration's anti-drug policy.
"This war against marijuana smokers has become a jihad. It's a holy
war for these [Bush administration] fools. Truth is a first victim of
war," said Stroup in an interview with CNSNews com .
"Every single point they make in this letter is either a flat-out lie
or grossly misrepresents science. Our intent is by early next week to
post both their letter [written by Scott Burns] and our refutation
point by point on our website," Stroup said.
Copyright: | 2003 Cybercast News Service |
Author: | Jim Burns, CNSNews com Senior Staff Writer |
Note: | the cited letter is at |
Some tentative, very preliminary steps are being taken to address one
of the great miscarriages of justice in the country - the roundup and
prosecution of dozens of black men and women on specious drug
trafficking charges in the Texas Panhandle town of Tulia.
There is no reason to believe that any of the people arrested in the
humiliating roundup on July 23, 1999, were guilty of trafficking. No
drugs, money or weapons were found. Several defendants have already
been proved innocent.
There has been a significant development in the courts, however. The
Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, responding to petitions filed by a
local attorney, Jeff Blackburn, and lawyers from the NAACP Legal
Defense and Educational Fund, has sent a number of the cases back to
the trial court for additional fact-finding.
Among other things, the appeals court wants to know if there was
evidence available to impeach Mr. Coleman's testimony, and if there
had been any knowledge by the prosecution of such evidence.
A new judge from an entirely different judicial district - Judge Ron
Chapman of Dallas - has been assigned to the case. This is a very
hopeful sign. A pair of fresh and impartial eyes is in order.
Meanwhile, the district attorney who prosecuted most of the Tulia
cases, Terry McEachern, has a problem of his own to deal with. He was
arrested in New Mexico the day before Thanksgiving on a misdemeanor
charge of driving while intoxicated. Police said he was pulled over
after his Jeep Cherokee was spotted weaving from lane to lane. He
reportedly said he had consumed some alcohol and also the prescription
drug Valium. But he said he was not drunk. He refused to take a blood
alcohol test.
Pubdate: | Mon, 30 Dec 2002 |
Source: | State Journal-Register (IL) |
Copyright: | 2002 The State Journal-Register |
Please update your address books and directories.
14252 Culver Drive #328
CA 92604-0326
(800) 266-5759
It started as a discussion among the volunteer editors at MAP. What
did each see as the important story of 2002? And it grew to the
collection selected by a wide range of DrugSense volunteers, editors,
newshawks, letter to the editor writers, and others that you see
below - our DrugSense Weekly Year in Review - 2002 Special Edition.
The regular Weekly will return next week.
Being the one who archives the Published Letters
http://www.mapinc.org/lte/ these are the letters that got to me the
most. -- derek
US IN: PUB LTE: Prisoner Of War
Pubdate: | Sun, 30 Dec 2001 (archived 2002) |
Source: | Herald-Times, The (IN) |
Author: | Michael L. Cummings |
I've seen this letter in more publications responding to a greater
variety of news items than any other. Mr. Randell knows how to write
an excellent LTE, as is evidenced by the more than 100 hits when
searching for letters written by him in our archives this year alone.
-- Josh Sutcliffe, Editor at MAP
US WI: PUB LTE: Why Prohibition?
Pubdate: | Thu, 21 Feb 2002 |
Source: | Badger Herald (WI) |
This shows just how difficult it will be to change national drug laws
unless we rid ourselves of the Single Convention et al -- Alun
Buffry, National Coordinator, Legalise Cannabis Alliance, UK;
webmaster, http://www.ccguide.org.uk
Europe: | UN Raps EU Countries Over Cannabis Let-Up |
Pubdate: | Wed, 27 Feb 2002 |
Source: | Age, The (Australia) |
Wisconsin activists were finally able to raise the funds to do a poll
on medical marijuana in Wisconsin, and the high numbers proved that
state politicians were way behind their constituents on this issue.
While the poll came too late to help get a bill passed in 2002, it
raised medicinal cannabis activism to a new level in Wisconsin, set
the stage for other events, and laid the groundwork for another
attempt in 2003. -- Gary Storck, IMMLY, DPFWI, WI NORML, Progressive
Dane Drug Policy Task Force
US WI: 80 Percent Of Wisconsinites Favor Marijuana To Treat Seriously Ill
Pubdate: | Tue, 12 Mar 2002 |
Source: | Is My Medicine Legal YET? |
Reparations is an excellent opportunity to bring up the War on Drugs.
After all, what good is having a few extra bucks in your pocket do
when you're still a target? Kudos to Mr. Simon for not only taking
advantage of the opportunity, but for also encouraging further reading
via links and correspondence with elected officials. -- Josh
Sutcliffe, Editor at MAP
US IL: OPED: Drug Related Racism And Reparations
Pubdate: | Wed, 13 Mar 2002 |
Source: | Rock River Times (IL) |
This LTE in particular struck me; and whenever someone tells me
marijuana has no place in modern medicine, that existing drugs are
adequate or that patients are just looking for excuses to get high, I
send them a copy. To date I've sent out many, including one to Gov.
Pataki after he went on record opposing medical marijuana this fall.
A small item, yet I find it an effective letter with an important
message. -- Alex Meyerson, MAP editor, newshawk, letter-writer
US CA: PUB LTE: Sheriff Lacks Compassion In Pot Case
Pubdate: | Thu, 18 Apr 2002 |
Source: | Pinnacle, The (CA) |
...somehow sticks out above all of the rest in its commonness and
awfulness. -- Jack
US NY: Noise Surrounds His Death
Pubdate: | Tue, 23 Apr 2002 |
Attending a conference is a superb way for activists to connect, make
new friends and meet old ones, learn, and recharge their energy.
Please consider attending a conference in 2003! Check The Reformer's
Calendar in latest issue of The Week on Line at
http://www.drcnet.org/wol/#eventcalendar for scheduled conferences. I
hope to see you at one, or maybe more. -- Richard Lake, Sr. Editor,
DrugNews, www.mapinc.org
US CA: Web: NORML Conference 2002
Pubdate: | Sat, 11 May 2002 |
Investigative reporter Daniel Forbes keeps us informed about the
activities and adventures of the folks who eat at the public trough
while working to undermine democracy and the will of the people.
Reading this huge report, with all it's proof as .pdf documents, was a
real shock, but the success of the gang that has promised to roll back
reform to before Prop. 215 was evident on election day. We have a
real battle on our hands. Look for new reports from Mr. Forbes in the
new year. -- Richard Lake, Sr. Editor, DrugNews, www.mapinc.org
US OH: The Governor's Sub-Rosa Plot to Subvert An Election in Ohio
Pubdate: | Thu, 30 May 2002 |
Source: | Institute for Policy Studies |
A June 6 rally in Madison that was part of a national day of action
organized by Americans for Safe Access http://www.safeaccessnow.org/
brought together an emerging coalition of Wisconsin activists,
medicinal cannabis patients and advocates and elected representatives
and candidates, ranging from Madison city council members and
ex-members, a state Assembly representative, Libertarian candidate for
governor Ed Thompson, SSDP members and AIDS activists and dozens of
others including revered Wisconsin medical cannabis patient-activist
Jacki Rickert in the first rally I ever organized. -- Gary Storck,
IMMLY, DPFWI, WI NORML, Progressive Dane Drug Policy Task Force
US WI: Rally Backs Medical Marijuana
Pubdate: | Thu, 07 Jun 2002 |
Source: | Capital Times, The (WI) |
This shows just how extreme the prohibition against cannabis can be-
still! -- Alun Buffry, National Coordinator, Legalise Cannabis
Alliance, UK; webmaster www.ccguide.org.uk
Philippines: | Death For Marijuana |
Pubdate: | Sat, 29 Jun 2002 |
Source: | Philippine Star (Philippines) |
This case is important because of the court's acceptance of the supply
needs of therapeutic cannabis patients. It is clear that Health
Canada is not taking their mandate seriously, and the judge accepted
that activists like Phil have filled the vacuum in good faith. -- Tim
Meehan, Communications Director, Ontario Consumers for Safe Access to
Recreational Cannabis http://www.ocsarc.org
CN BC: Marijuana 'Pharmacist' Wins Praise For His Work
Pubdate: | Thu, 11 Jul 2002 |
Source: | Globe and Mail (Canada) |
We are planning on inviting Ed as an "honorary guest" to the 2003 SSDP
Northeast regional meeting at the University of Rhode Island in March.
He probably won't be able to make it, as he's in jail, unfortunately.
-- Tom Angell, MAP editor, SSDP Board Member
US NJ: Web: No Freedom of Speech for Ed 'NJweedman' Forchion
Pubdate: | Tue, 20 Aug 2002 |
Most news articles are like ink blots - interpretations are based on
preconceptions. Whether you believe illicit drugs or drug policies
are the greater evil, the endless reports of raids, busts and "drug-
related" problems validate your beliefs. Some opinion pieces, such as
this column on Canada's stalled medicinal cannabis program, make the
absurdity of prohibitionist ideology so painfully clear it is a
wonder anyone can read them and still maintain faith in the war on
drugs. -- Matt Elrod, http://www.drugsense.org/me/
Column: | The Flin Flon Flip-Flop |
Pubdate: | Mon, 02 Sep 2002 |
Source: | Globe and Mail (Canada) |
Copyright: | 2002, The Globe and Mail Company |
In my opinion the big news up here in Canada was the Special Committee
on Illegal Drugs Final Report: Cannabis: Our Position for a Canadian
Public Policy. You have to like the following headline. It doesn't
happen every day! -- Herb, Canadian newshawk
CN BC: BC Pot Activists Ecstatic Senate Report Recommends Marijuana
Pubdate: | Thu, 05 Sep 2002 |
Source: | Trail Daily Times (CN BC) |
This report is the most exhaustive and important study of cannabis to
date. Senators did not start from any prejudiced viewpoint and, as I
witnessed in the hearings, did not give either side any special
treatment. Relying on science, it skillfully attacks the most
ridiculous prohibitionist rhetoric with facts and studies. It is
interesting that ONDCP's John Walters would only testify before the
committee after they allowed him to do so in private and with his
advisors present; one can only wonder what threats were issued to the
Senators in that closed hearing, although Chair Sen. Nolin said in the
Quebec French media that he found Walters to be an ideologue. -- Tim
Meehan, Communications Director, Ontario Consumers for Safe Access to
Recreational Cannabis http://www.ocsarc.org
Canada: | Senators Want Pot Legalized |
Pubdate: | Thu, 05 Sep 2002 |
Source: | Globe and Mail (Canada) |
I think this is important because it explains both the futility and
unintended consequences of the WOD. It also shows some clear
hypocrisy, which is what this is all built on. That the issue gained
high profile press coverage might have caused a few people to think
for once. -- Keith Brilhart, MAP editor
US FL: OPED: Noelle Bush - Example Of Drug War's Failure
Pubdate: | Mon, 16 Sep 2002 |
Source: | Bradenton Herald (FL) |
The Bonghitters is a great name for a baseball team, and they do
marijuana smokers proud with an excellent record of 50-8-4 with a
three year winning streak. The normalcy (or is that NORMLcy?) of the
article gives the reader an impression of what post-prohibition
journalism could be like. -- Josh Sutcliffe, Editor at MAP
US NY: Column: The Old Bong Game
Pubdate: | Mon, 30 Sep 2002 |
Source: | New Yorker Magazine (NY) |
I think the Canadian Senate's September report is the big news of
2002. Once again, we have a governmental body, doing an in-depth
analysis of the marijuana laws and once again we receive the same data
set: Marijuana is less addicting and less harmful than either tobacco
or alcohol. Plus the LTE is written by Senator Nolin, the chair of the
Senate Committee that issued the report. -- Dean Becker, host of the
Cultural Baggage Radio show on KPFT and Sirius Digital,
(www.unvarnishedtruth.org), LTE writer, community liaison for DPFT and
president of Houston NORML.
CN NS: PUB LTE: Senators Endorse Healthy Debate, Not Drug Use
Pubdate: | Fri, 04 Oct 2002 |
Source: | Daily News, The (CN NS) |
Author: | Pierre-Claude Nolin, Senator |
Time magazine's poll found that "80% think it's O.K. to dispense pot
for medical purposes" yet 'Federal prosecutors accuse patients and
good Samaritans of being "Drug King Pins."' according to this ad
http://www.csdp.org/ads/doyouknow.htm Bryan Epis sentenced to 10
years. The forces for prohibition believe that medical cannabis is the
foot in the door for reform, and are out to slam the door shut by any
means possible. But this is a battle we can and will win. -- Richard
Lake, Sr. Editor, DrugNews, www.mapinc.org
US: Web: California Medical Marijuana Chronicles: A Widening Conflict
Pubdate: | Fri, 11 Oct 2002 |
Source: | The Week Online with DRCNet (US Web) |
This dead-on PUB LTE by prolific Wisconsin LTE writer Dave Michon is a
thundering indictment of drug policies that target medical marijuana
patients in Wisconsin and across the nation and the failed drug war in
general. -- Gary Storck, IMMLY, DPFWI, WI NORML, Progressive Dane Drug
US WI: PUB LTE: Schillings Died As Martyrs In Drug War
Pubdate: | Mon, 14 Oct 2002 |
Source: | Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (WI) |
I can't resist. It strikes too close to home. :) -- Mary Jane Borden
CN ON: Edu: Column: Mary Jane's Army Raising Awareness
Pubdate: | Fri, 18 Oct 2002 |
Source: | Gazette, The (London, CN ON Edu) |
This was chosen because it conclusively demonstrates how far removed
from reality our opposition really is. I submit that until we learn
how to successfully attack our drug policy for its simple minded basic
assumptions, we won't make a lot of progress with the public. This
item also underscores the importance our opposition places on the
issue of medical use, especially in California. Finally, it should
help us derive the right message from our costly defeats in three
initiatives last November. It's time for a re-think of strategy...we
need to consolidate old victories before charging at new windmills. --
Tom O'Connell, former News Editor of the Weekly and permanent MAP
US: Drug Czar Defends Campaign To Stop Marijuana Legalization
Pubdate: | Wed, 23 Oct 2002 |
Source: | Chicago Tribune (IL) |
Vin sees the drug war with open eyes and opens some eyes doing it. --
Van 'Doc-Hawk'
US NV: Column: Relax Your Muscles As Much As Possible
Pubdate: | Sun, 27 Oct 2002 |
Source: | Las Vegas Review-Journal (NV) |
Winning a campaign on drug testing for a driver license is no joking
matter! I laughed at it 25 years ago, never happen. 5 years later the
government put all truck drivers under a national CDL, mandated drug
testing. Now I have to have proof I've been tested at least every two
years. The DOT has hinted, they would like mandatory testing -yearly,
on top of random. Connect the dots, your next... -- Larry Seguin,
Newshawk, LTE writer
US: Dole Links License To Drug Test
Pubdate: | Wed, 30 Oct 2002 |
Source: | Charlotte Observer (NC) |
While the U.S. government is raiding medical marijuana providers in
California, neighboring Canada is debating the merits of marijuana
decriminalization vs. legalization. I like to think the common sense
coming out of Canada will trickle down to its increasingly isolated
southern neighbor. This letter by Senator Pierre-Claude Nolin
underscores the power of the LTE. We're being read in high places.
MAP is making a difference! -- anonymous, letter to the editor writer
CN ON: PUB LTE: Illegal Drug Committee's Conclusions
Pubdate: | Thu, 31 Oct 2002 |
Source: | Sault This Week (ON CN) |
Author: | Pierre-Claude Nolin |
If any particular article should be deemed "most important," this is
it: the Time Magazine cover story the week before the fall election,
and positive coverage at that. This article could represent a turning
point in drug war journalism, and although it didn't appear to
influence the outcome of the election - so many anti-drug war
initiatives lost so badly - it did show that a major media outlet was
willing to stick its neck out and side with the non-ONDCP view of a
drug issue. At least we can't say we lost because of yellow
journalism. -- Mary Jane Borden
US: The New Politics of Pot
Source: | Time Magazine (US) |
There's a large contingent of student activists in the U.S. who are
fed up with the war on drugs. They call themselves the DARE
generation, and they aren't going to tolerate the war on drugs being
fought in their names any longer. With almost 200 chapters, Students
for Sensible Drug Policy (http://www.ssdp.org/) is the fastest growing
student activist organization in the country. -- Tom Angell, MAP
editor, SSDP Board Member
US RI: Student Senate At URI Works To Remove Drug Policy On Aid
Pubdate: | Mon, 04 Nov 2002 |
Source: | Providence Journal, The (RI) |
This item is the most important drug reform news from my state of
Massachusetts. Our voters let their opinions be known at the ballot
box and they asked for marijuana decriminalization. The results of
these votes have ignited new marijuana legislation in our state. Here
is our new bill on medical marijuana: http://masscann.org/medicalbill1.htm
-- Kim Hanna, an avid MAP supporter and drug law reformer
US MA: Voters Support Marijuana Reform
Pubdate: | Sun, 10 Nov 2002 |
Source: | Boston Globe (MA) |
Author: | Meredith Goldstein |
The ONDCP's John Walters appears before the Vancouver Board of Trade
and is challenged on his facts, not only by the BC Marijuana Party,
but by outgoing mayor Philip Owen and incoming mayor Larry Campbell.
This negative feedback showed the true side of Walters, as he
justified his lies about cannabis by appealing to authority ("I am an
elected official") and an ad hominem attack on the challengers ("I
never heard of you"). -- Tim Meehan, Communications Director, Ontario
Consumers for Safe Access to Recreational Cannabis
CN BC: Drug Plan Waste Of Resources, City Told
Pubdate: | Thu, 21 Nov 2002 |
Source: | Vancouver Sun (CN BC) |
The most significant statement in this article is "for Canada's first
medical marijuana study ... the Health Ministry turned to an unlikely
supplier: the U.S. National Institute on Drug Abuse." This statement
embodies contradictory policies of the US government. On one hand,
"U.S. drug czar John Walters warned recently that the U.S. might
tighten border checks if Canada decriminalizes marijuana," and on the
other, NIDA is shipping its weed there. This development, along with
the six legal patients receiving NIDA cannabis, shows that the wall
enshrining the Feds' "no medical benefit" argument about marijuana is
cracking. -- Mary Jane Borden
Canada: | U.S., Doctors, Users Criticize Canada Medical-Pot Program |
Pubdate: | Tue, 26 Nov 2002 |
Source: | Wall Street Journal (US) |
Being the one who archives the Published Letters
http://www.mapinc.org/lte/ these are the letters that got to me the
most. -- derek
US WV: PUB LTE: America Can Be Either Free Or 'Drug-Free,' But Not Both
Pubdate: | Tue, 26 Nov 2002 |
Source: | Charleston Daily Mail (WV) |
This is important because it represents the center line of contention
between prohibitionism and the harm reduction paradigm. The Tribune
stakes out the prohibitionist line that puts the blame for gang
warfare squarely on illegal drugs as if the legal status of the drug
is an immutable law of nature. The Tribune's allusion to Al Capone is
richly ironic in this regard. -- Larry Stevens, Editor at MAP and
Letter to the Editor writer
US IL: Editorial: The Business of Murder
Pubdate: | Sun, 01 Dec 2002 |
Source: | Chicago Tribune (IL) |
Being the one who archives the Published Letters
http://www.mapinc.org/lte/ these are the letters that got to me the
most. -- derek
US NJ: PUB LTE: Video Documents The Necessity For Medical Marijuana
Pubdate: | Sun, 15 Dec 2002 |
Source: | Ocean County Observer (NJ) |
This confirms the belief that any serious economic downturn would
reveal just how outrageously states have been cheating on health and
education to finance the prisons mandated by the drug war. As soon as
they were confronted with huge budget deficits at a time when raising
taxes is out of the question, they couldn't send non-violent drug
prisoners home fast enough. The trend is just beginning and should
enable us to raise lots of embarrassing questions for those who have
been insisting that the "message" we send to "kids" is what our policy
is really all about. Sure. -- Tom O'Connell, former News Editor of the
Weekly and permanent MAP enthusiast
US KY: Inmates Go Free To Help States Reduce Deficits
Pubdate: | Thu, 19 Dec 2002 |
Source: | New York Times (NY) |
Canada's movement toward drug law reform and harm reduction this year
has Washington squirming. So they unleashed the drug czar on us. Most
of the media has had no patience with John Walters sticking his nose
in Canadian affairs. Marc Emery and a group of activists literally
blew cannabis smoke in the man's face and chased him out of Vancouver.
His lies and threats have not been well received (except by our
politicians). -- Steven Bacon, federal exemptee, newshawk
CN ON: Editorial: We Make Our Own Laws In Canada
Pubdate: | Sat, 21 Dec 2002 |
Source: | Beacon Herald, The (CN ON) |
A great OPED which pulls no punches about the DARE program. Lying to
our children is simply not acceptable. -- Van 'Doc-Hawk'
US NY: OPED: Why Cling To Failed
Pubdate: | Mon, 23 Dec 2002 |
Source: | Post-Standard, The (NY) |
I feel most of these types of stories are lies put out by law
enforcement, and not checked by reporters. Anybody that has been
through the system knows officers grill your kids and twist the
answers to their advantage. The sad part is the traumatic effect it
has on your child. The child takes on guilt for putting the parent in
jail, and has a strong distrust for any cop. -- Larry Seguin,
Newshawk, LTE writer
US FL: Police Say Father Made Children Get High
Pubdate: | Mon, 23 Dec 2002 |
Source: | Tampa Tribune (FL) |
Kudos to Kirk Muse, who gets a lot of letters published. His formula
is usually to thank the paper for its coverage of some drug policy
issue and then follow up with a short warning about U.S. drug policy
failures. Wow! Great message using just a few words. -- Van "Doc-Hawk"
CN QU: PUB LTE: US Drug Czar Should Learn From Canada
Pubdate: | Tue, 24 Dec 2002 |
Source: | Montreal Gazette (CN QU) |
These articles are sad. For years our government has given out
technology on weapons of mass-destruction. Now that they may be used
against us, it's the cannabis users that financed it. -- Larry Seguin,
Newshawk, LTE writer
US DC: OPED: California, Drugs And Mideast Terror
Pubdate: | Fri, 27 Dec 2002 |
Source: | Washington Times (DC) |
Robert Sharpe was our special guest at the DrugSense Dinner during the
Drug Policy Foundation conference in May, 2000 where he was recognized
for having published 40 letters to the editor in the past half year.
Little did we know then how much more he would accomplish. We asked
him, for the DrugSense Weekly "How did you get into writing Letters to
the Editor?"
Robert responded: Prior to discovering MAP I had just started
attending Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP http://www.ssdp.org/
) meetings at George Washington University. However, the combination
of a full-time job and a heavy course load prevented me from
participating in SSDP activities as much as I wanted to. Still, by
then I fully realized the danger the drug war posed to the
Constitution, freedom, minorities and, of course, America's children.
So I knew I wanted to do my part to help end the madness. I believe
that most politicians are followers, not leaders. Their foremost
priority is reelection and therefore campaign financing, but they are
also slaves to opinion polls.
When I found MAP in the course of research I thought to myself: this
is brilliant. Why write to a politician beholden to the
prison-industrial complex when you can raise awareness among the
general public and influence polls? At the time I was wasting a few
hours a week debating the odd prohibitionist troll on Internet drug
policy bulletin boards during research breaks. Once I realized MAP's
tremendous potential I decided to seek out a broader audience.
822 published letters later, for a total of 862 that we know of, and
an amazing 415 during 2002 alone there is no question that Robert is
reaching a broader audience, and having a significant impact on the
public discussion of the War on Drugs.
Robert tells us that he does it by spending about an hour a day during
breaks and after work sending out letters, and yes, many more are not
published than are. Robert has provided us with his tips for success
at http://www.mapinc.org/resource/tips.htm
To get a picture of the huge range of newspapers Robert has had
letters published in, please click this link
Common Sense for Drug Policy
For the last week I have been almost totally pre-occupied sifting
through 4500+ news clippings that originated or relate to Canadian
cannabis policy to piece together a picture for 2002 by choosing over
200 of the items.
There were over 500 Opinions, Editorials or columns written about
cannabis and over 1300 letters published; with approximately 900 of
them favouring reform to one degree or another.
I hope this compliments this weeks DSW.
Debra Harper
FYI, I've made lists of the 100 most popular clippings added to the
MAP Drugnews archive in 2002.
http://www.mapinc.org/find?365 U.S.
http://www.mapinc.org/find?366 Canada
http://www.mapinc.org/find?367 U.K.
http://www.mapinc.org/find?368 South America
http://www.mapinc.org/find?369 Australasia
Happy New Year,
Matthew Elrod
"The present age, if we consider chiefly the state of our own country,
may be stiled with great propriety The Age of Authors; for, perhaps,
there never was a time, in which men of all degrees of ability, of
every kind of education, of every profession and employment, were
posting with ardour so general to the press. The province of writing
was formerly left to those, who by study, or appearance of study, were
supposed to have gained knowledge unattainable by the busy part of
mankind; but in these enlightened days, every man is qualified to
instruct every other man; and he that beats the anvil, or guides the
plough, not contented with supplying corporal necessities, amuses
himself in the hours of leisure with providing intellectual pleasures
for his countrymen." -- Samuel Johnson, Adventurer #115
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