June 24,1998 #052 |
A DrugSense publication
- * Breaking News (03/04/25)
- * Feature Article
McCaffrey Warns Panel of Effort to Legalize Drugs
Weekly News In Review
UN Aftermath-
LTEs 500 Drug Genuises
Top Anti-Drug Official Attacks Critics
Just Think About Drugs; Then Say 'No' To US Policy
Drug War Policy-
No Quick Solutions To Drug Abuse
Congress Challenges NBA'S Policies On Drugs
Time - Crank
Editorial - Tobacco bill excesses
Student Smokers Face Suspension
S.F. Teens Trying High-Nicotine 'Bidi' Cigarettes
Editorial - Smoke Gets in Their Ayes
Simi Police Return Marijuana Plants To Patient
Medical Company Growing Cannabis
Group Petitions For Vote On Medical Use Of Marijuana
Relax marijuana laws - federal study
International News-
Kyrgyzstan - New Treasure Along Ancient Silk Road
Colombia - Colombia To Test Coca Herbicide
Canada - Hemp Farmers Still Await Go-Ahead From Ottawa
- * Hot Off The 'Net
Nightline now Online
Register To Vote On-Line!
- * DrugSense Tip Of The Week
Mike Gray Interview with Art Bell On-Line
- * Quote of the Week
Abraham Lincoln
New York Times Letters to the Editor Information Follows. Please
consider writing to the times regarding this article.
Drug Policy Official Warns Panel of Effort to Legalize Drugs
Thursday, June 18, 1998 Page A29
WASHINGTON, June 17 -- The White House's top drug policy official today
accused critics of the nation's zero-tolerance drug laws of pursuing an
agenda to legalize drugs from marijuana to heroin and cocaine.
In written testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, the
official, Gen. Barry R. McCaffrey, asserted, "There is a carefully
camouflaged, exorbitantly funded, well-heeled elitist group whose
ultimate goal is to legalize drug use in the United States."
While General McCaffrey named no names, he was clearly referring to a
coalition of advocacy groups that argues that the global war on drugs
has cost society more than drug abuse itself. Some of those advocates
attracted attention last week with an open letter to the United Nations
Secretary General as the General Assembly opened a three-day special
session on drugs.
The letter -- whose 500 signers included the former Secretary General
Javier Perez de Cuellar, former Secretary of State George P. Shultz and
two former Senators, Alan Cranston and Claiborne Pell -- argued that by
focusing on punishing drug users, the United States and other countries
had helped create a worldwide criminal black market that wrecked
national economies and democratic governments.
The letter's signers also included George Soros, the billionaire
investor and philanthropist, who has spent as much as $20 million
supporting research and advocacy groups working to change Americans'
views on how to deal with drug use. Mr. Soros said in an interview last
week that he hoped that it would foster an open discussion of the issue.
But General McCaffrey, the Clinton Administration's director of
national drug policy, said the critics were disguising their true
purpose because Americans overwhelmingly opposed legalizing drugs.
"Through a slick misinformation campaign," he said, "these individuals
perpetuate a fraud on the American people, a fraud so devious that even
some of the nation's most respectable newspapers and sophisticated
media are capable of echoing their falsehoods."
His assertion prompted the Judiciary Committee's ranking Democrat,
Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr. of Delaware, to propose hearings into the
issue of legalizing drugs.
"Let's expose it for the fraud that it is," Senator Biden said.
Mr. Soros could not be reached today because he was traveling in
Sweden. But one of the most prominent advocates of less punitive
approaches to drug use, Ethan Nadelmann, director of the Lindesmith
Center, a drug policy institute in New York supported by Mr. Soros,
called the general's criticism "an attempt to smear what's a very
responsible approach to dealing with drug abuse in our society."
At the core of the disagreement is the concept of harm reduction, which
to advocates like Mr. Nadelmann, means finding ways short of abstinence
to reduce the harm that drug abusers cause themselves and society.
Needle exchange, in which addicts are given clean needles to try to
stem the spread of AIDS, is a prominent example.
Kevin Zeese, president of Common Sense for Drug Policy, a group in
Falls Church, Va., that also wants drug laws changed, said, "The reason
why there is an upsurge of people advocating reform is because the
current policy is not making for a safer or healthier society,"
But General McCaffrey called harm reduction "a hijacked concept that
has become a euphemism for drug legalization."
"It's become a cover story for people who would lower the barriers to
drug use," he said.
Mr. Nadelmann responded, "The majority of harm reduction advocates
oppose drug legalization, and that includes George Soros."
Until today, General McCaffrey had ignored the advocacy groups'
lobbying, and so his sharp attack was a change in strategy.
After testifying, he said he was suggesting a debate about
legalization, not a witch hunt.
"It's a legitimate subject of debate in our society if you do it
openly," said General McCaffrey, who is retired from the Army.
He predicted that the notion would be "rejected resoundingly" once
Americans discovered what was involved.
Mr. Nadelmann said: "I would welcome the opportunity to debate him
anytime or anyplace. His trying to equate all forms of harm reduction
with a free market approach to drug legalization is both false and
But Mark A. R. Kleiman, a professor of public policy at the University
of California at Los Angeles who follows drug issues, expressed concern
that such a debate would detract from the more crucial task of finding
ways to make the current anti-drug strategies work more effectively.
Letters must include the writer's name, address and telephone number.
Those selected my be shortened for space reasons (ie. the shorter the
Fax letters to 212-556-3622 or send by email to
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Letters to the Editor
The New York Times
229 West 43rd Street
New York, NY 10036
Ty Trippet
Director of Communications
The Lindesmith Center
New York,
NY 10019
COMMENT: (Top) |
Preparing this COMMENTS section begins with a consideration of all the (Top)
articles archived by MAP from the preceding Monday through Sunday;
then I try to make sense of the "Big Picture " and select, arrange and
excerpt articles to portray it. For the past two weeks, the plethora
of drug news and opinion provoked by the UN session has created some
welcome editing problems: which of the articles to select and how to
classify them?
The following 16 articles were selected from the 248 items archived
during the week of June 15 thru June 21.
UN Aftermath
COMMENT: (Top) |
Through shrewd advance planning, the reform movement parleyed a
pro-forma UN Special Session into a publicity bonanza which not only
proclaimed the existence of an organized opposition to conventional
drug policy, but also uncovered a degree of media support which must
have come as a nasty shock to drug warriors everywhere.
Denunciations of the open letter to Kofi Annan only provoked further
skepticism from readers of the Wall Street Journal- no letters
approving the Journal position were printed, leading one to wonder:
did they receive any?
Worried warriors went so far as to consider Senate hearings to vilify
reform; whether they will actually be held remains uncertain.
So many well-written calls to either abandon the drug war or seriously
reconsider present policy were published that it's been a problem to
select which to cite. The Boston Globe editorial receives the nod as
the most recent and one of the best reasoned.
"Your recommendations on what to do about the drug war on your
editorial ( "500 Drug Geniuses") are about as idiotic and pointless as
putting on suntan lotion in hell."
Ghamal de la Guardia
In your editorial I was shocked to see the following statement.
"an international group of eminences urged the world to cede victory to
the drugs' allure and concentrate its money and attention on making the
addicts more comfortable."
"What ever led the staff of The Wall Street Journal to descend into
such childish petulance is beyond me."
Arthur Sobey
Norfolk, Nev.
"If you change the phrase "War on Drugs" to "War on Poverty", you're
left with the same arguments supporting a failed status quo that you
rail against the other four days of the week. Asking the left to set
aside their ideology in the face of years worth of demonstrably
unsuccessful policy, when you are unwilling to do the same, is the
definition of hypocrisy."
Steven Haskett
Austin, Texas
Your editorial makes me wonder when drug prohibitionists will ever
come to understand the phrase 'consenting adults.'
In a free society, the state leaves consenting adults to do as they
please, as long as they don't harm anyone else.
Ananda Gupta
Bethesda, Md
"As with abortion, tobacco, alcohol, homosexuality and other lifestyle
issues regarding choice and conscience, the civil society provides
ample area for debate and discussion. And it is in the civil society
that such issues should be resolved, not under the heel of the police
power of government."
David W. Holmes Fairfax, Va.
"Don't forget that if we end the "war on drugs", a huge agency called
the DEA won't have anything to do. Those are good people and we
certainly don't want them out of jobs, breaking into houses and such.
And they set such a good example for other agencies, like the FBI,
BATF, FDA, and a whole alphabet of other suddenly heavily armed
agencies, out to protect Americans by breaking down their doors."
Rick Berger
Pubdate: | Mon, 15 Jun 1998 |
Source: | Wall Street Journal ("Voices" in Online Edition) |
WASHINGTON -- The White House's top drug-policy official accused
critics of the United States' zero-tolerance drug laws Wednesday of
pursuing an agenda to legalize drugs, from marijuana to heroin and
In written testimony before the Senate foreign relations committee,
the official, Gen. Barry McCaffrey, charged, "There is a carefully
camouflaged, exorbitantly funded, well-heeled elitist group whose
ultimate goal is to legalize drug use in the United States."
His assertion prompted the judiciary committee's ranking Democrat,
Sen. Joseph Biden of Delaware, to propose hearings into the issue
of legalizing drugs. "Let's expose it for the fraud that it is,"
Biden said.
Source: | New York Times ( NY) |
Pubdate: | Fri, 19 Jun 1998 |
Author: | Christopher S. Wren |
''We believe the global war on drugs is now causing more harm than
drug abuse itself.''
Under that banner headline in a double-truck ad of the June 8 New
York Times, an astounding array of prominent and accomplished world
citizens appealed to UN Secretary General Kofi Annan for a major
shift in drug-fighting worldwide.
Fully one-twelfth of all international trade involves traffic in
illegal narcotics, it is claimed. And while no one can be sure of
the scope of the drug economy, the number could be right on the
button. And it is also inescapable that governments worldwide
routinely fail to contain the worsening social deterioration that
accelerates despite ever-harsher methods.
Section: | Page E04 of the Sunday opinion section |
Pubdate: | Sunday, June 21, 1998 |
Columnist: | David Nyhan is a Globe columnist. |
Drug War Policy
COMMENT: (Top) |
The op-ed by David Musto confirms beyond question what many have
suspected for a long time: the author of a book exposing many basic
inanities of drug prohibition twenty-five years ago still doesn't "get
it" himself.
Brash drug warrior Hastert may have bitten off more than he can chew.
Time, a major promoter of crack hysteria an decade ago, is at it again
with this depressingly similar "special" on methamphetamine which
could easily have been written by the DEA.
AFTER three decades of studying the history of drugs and drug policy in
the United States, I was impressed by the Clinton administration's
recent proposal for a 10-year drug strategy. Here, at last, comes
recognition of the need for a steady and consistent policy over an
appropriate span of time. A common fault in drug policy has been
anticipating or promising dramatic results within an unrealistically
brief period.
Source: | San Jose Mercury News (CA) |
Pubdate: | Fri, 19 Jun 1998 |
A congressional subcommittee led by Congressman J. Dennis Hastert
challenged the National Basketball Association Tuesday to adopt a "zero
tolerance" policy on drugs.
In a letter sent to NBA Commissioner David Stern and Players
Association Executive Director Billy Hunger, 27 members of Congress
urged the league to expand its drug testing policy so all players are
tested for marijuana use. According to a task force statement, only NBA
rookies are tested for marijuana.
Pubdate: | Wed, 17 June 1998 |
Source: | Daily Herald ( IL) |
The drug once called speed has come roaring back as a powdery plague on
America's heartland...
BILLINGS--It's a full-moon Friday night, and Jennifer, 25, a hard-core
looker ( smoker of methamphetamine, known as crank) has been wide awake
around the clock for almost four days. She isn't yet seeing plastic
people, shadow men or transparent spiders-just three of the fabled
hallucinations of the Billings, Mont., crank scene, a hyper stimulated
subculture sickeningly rich in slang and folklore.
Pubdate: | 22 Jun 1998 Week |
Section: | Vol 151 No 24 Page 24 |
Author: | Walter Kirn with Patrick Dawson |
COMMENT: (Top) |
The tobacco bill died officially in the middle of last week. A
remarkably prescient editorial in the Seattle Times predicted both its
demise and the reason for it days before the event.
The next pair of articles suggest reasons why we may be headed toward
some form of prohibition: the self-righteous conviction that health
concerns alone entitle the government to control behavior on the one
hand-and the power of the profit motive to exploit every available
opportunity on the other.
The editorial in the San Jose Merc demonstrates that most people, the
Mercury-News editorial writer included, simply don't understand the
challenge implicit in the tobacco bill (or any other potential drug
regulatory bill, for that matter): how do we retain a company
producing an addictive, dangerous product as a responsible,
law-abiding, tax-paying, member of the community? Demand for their
product will always be there; failure to retain a legal industry
producing it will guarantee that a criminal product, sold on a black
market under the worst possible circumstances.
IF you thought the primary purpose of the federal legislation was to
curb teen smoking, punish cigarette-makers for past deceptions, or
recoup health costs for victims, think again.
Democrats and Republicans have latched onto the package as an
all-purpose vehicle for tax-cut goodies - even as they push for a
bipartisan, multibillion-dollar tax hike on cigarettes that will
disproportionately hit middle- and lower-income Americans.
Political freeloaders are tacking on ideological decorations to a
once-promising tobacco bill that inevitably - and mercifully - will
collapse of its own weight.
Source: | Seattle Times ( WA) |
Pubdate: | Sunday 14 June 1998 |
Author: | OPINION - Seattle-Times |
Proposed legislation would make it illegal to carry a cigarette
Toronto Star Queen's Park Bureau
Ontario students could be suspended and sent for addiction counselling
if they're caught with an unlit cigarette under a bill that has been
approved in principle.
Opposition MPPs yesterday denounced the proposed legislation as
draconian, likening it to ``grabbing a shovel to swat a fly.''
Source: | Toronto Star (Canada) |
Pubdate: | Friday, June 19, 1998 |
Strawberry scented cigarettes, shaped like marijuana joints and spiked
with extra nicotine, are being sampled at an alarming rate by San
Francisco teens, a new survey shows.
The cigarettes, called "bidis" -- also "beedies" and "beadies" -- are
manufactured in India and are widely available in grocery stores in
paper-wrapped bundles of 20 for as little as $1.25 a pack.
Results show that 58 percent of students surveyed at four city high
schools had tried bidis at least once and that two-thirds knew someone
under the legal age of 18 who had purchased them.
Source: | San Francisco Chronicle |
Pubdate: | Thu, 18 Jun 1998 |
Author: | Sabin Russell, Chronicle Staff Writer |
THE Senate just couldn't handle the tobacco issue.
If senators just could have focused on the original goals of Sen. John
McCain's tobacco bill -- curbing teen smoking, regulating nicotine as a
drug, ending the flood of costly lawsuits and penalizing the tobacco
industry for years of deadly lies -- they might have been able to pass
it. Instead, they focused on the money, the $516 billion the bill was
expected to cost the tobacco industry over 25 years.
Source: | San Jose Mercury News ( CA) |
Pubdate: | Fri, 19 Jun 1998 |
COMMENT: (Top) |
After a month of dreary news from California, it's a pleasure to
highlight the "man bites dog" story from Simi Valley. Of course the
cops didn't give back all the dope- do you think they're stupid just
because they're cops?
A steady stream of stories attesting to British interest in medical
marijuana continues.
AMR may be controversial, but no one can say they haven't been busy.
The Latest state where they a trying to qualify a petition is Nevada,
where the already complicated initiative process is further
complicated by a need to amend the State's constitution, and thus hold
a second election.
Authorities say 62-year-old Dean Jones, who was arrested last month, is
protected by a law that allows for medical use of pot.
SIMI VALLEY--It was a rare day for the Simi Valley police--giving back
pot plants they earlier seized from the backyard of a man arrested on
suspicion of felony cultivation.
But Dean Jones had a court order requiring officers to do just that.
The order came after prosecutors Friday said Jones was protected by
Proposition 215, the 1996 medical marijuana law, and would not be
Source: | Los Angeles Times ( CA) |
Author: | COLL METCALFE, Times Staff Writer |
A secret cannabis farm has been established with the support of the
Government to investigate the medicinal uses of the illegal drug.
Thousands of cannabis plants are being grown in large glasshouses, with
humidity, light and temperature controls, at an undisclosed location in
south-east England.
The 10 million pound project is being carried out behind tall fences,
amid tight security.
GW Pharmaceuticals, the first company licensed by the Government to
cultivate and possess large quantifies of cannabis, has been advised on
security by the Home Office and Special Branch.
Source: | Telegraph, The ( UK) |
Allowing patients to use an illegal drug is an issue of compassion,
not Cheech and Chong, supporters say.
CARSON CITY -- A group that wants Nevadans to vote to allow sick people
to use marijuana for medical reasons turned in petitions Tuesday signed
by more than 69,000 people. But whether that is enough to qualify for a
spot on the November ballot remains in doubt. "We know it is close,"
said Dave Fratello, secretary-treasurer of Americans for Medical
Rights. "If we lose one county we don't make it."
Source: | Las Vegas Review-Journal |
Postal: | P.O. Box 70, Las Vegas, Nev. 89125 |
Author: | Ed Vogel Donrey Capital Bureau |
COMMENT: (Top) |
Like every previous study of the "marijuana problem" by an appointed
Commission since 1896, the latest one in Canada has concluded that the
harms of Cannabis are greatly exaggerated and its use either shouldn't
be penalized, or penalties should be token.
Sadly, the corollary is that in every case, such findings have been
ignored by whoever is in power.
Relax marijuana laws: federal study
A federally funded think-tank on drug abuse recommends decriminalizing
marijuana possession.
The Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse says existing criminal penalties
against marijuana smokers have done little to enhance public health and
safety, while placing a heavy burden on police and the justice system.
The centre's newly published study, Cannabis Control in Canada, proposes
dropping jail as a possible punishment for marijuana possession. Instead,
the offence would become a civil violation, subject to a fine only.
Source: | Ottawa Citizen (Canada) |
Pubdate: | Sun, 14 Jun 1998 |
Author: | Jim Bronskill The Ottawa Citizen |
International News
Countries from the former Soviet Union made a huge addition to the
worlds's thriving criminal drug market; their populations are young,
poor, and desperate; the countries themselves adjoin drug producing
nations or sit astride drug trade routes; there's relatively little
AIDS of Hep C awareness their incidence to explode along with
injection drug use. A worse recipe for social disaster is hard to
With each passing week, Colombia's news grows worse; it appears that
tebuthiuron (Spike) will be used, despite warnings from its
manufacturer against such use . Imagine our response if Canada
demanded we poison our environment and risk the health of our
population with such an agent, on the off chance that teens in Ontario
might use drugs.
Finally, just to prove that such behavior isn't limited to the US, It
gives some perverse satisfaction (but not pleasure) to cite the
diabolical way Canada is frustrating farmers who had planned to grow
hemp. If we are all very patient for another year or two, there will
eventually be a hemp crop in North America.
Smugglers take opium from Afghan mountains to European markets
OSH, Kyrgyzstan--FIRST Ravshan became an opium addict; then he found a
new career. His suppliers paid him in fat packets of white powder to
shuttle their product from this remote corner of Central Asia to new
customers in Russia.
Ravshan is thousands of miles from New York, where a drug summit was
held last week at the United Nations. But he is exactly the kind of
person President Clinton and other world leaders will have to reach if
they are to make a dent in the world's multibillion-dollar drug trade,
as they have pledged.
Pubdate: | Sun, 14 Jun 1998 |
Source: | San Jose Mercury News (CA) |
Author: | Inga Saffron, Mercury News Moscow Bureau |
DRUGS: | The U.S. made weed killer can be dropped from higher |
altitudes,boosting pilot safety, but its maker opposes this use.
Bogota, Colombia - Bowing to demands from Washington, the Colombian
government has agreed to test a granular herbicide to kill coca
crops,despite public warnings from the chemical's U.S. manufacturer
against its use in Colombia.
Pubdate: | Sat, 20 Jun 1998 |
Source: | Orange County Register ( CA) |
Author: | Diana Jean Schemo - The New York Times |
Some application errors have delayed the process
MONCTON - Poor paperwork is spoiling the province's inaugural attempt
to grow hemp.
Enterprising farmers from across the province eagerly sent in
applications to grow the sister plant of marijuana in early April.
Now, more than two months later, most of the farmers are still waiting
for the go-ahead from Ottawa - thanks to hundreds of error-filled
applications, says a Health Canada spokesperson.
"Probably a majority of applications had to be returned because things
were wrong," says spokesperson Bonnie Fox-McIntyre.
Source: | New Brunswick Telegraph Journal ( Canada) |
Pubdate: | Sat, 13 Jun 1998 |
Author: | Mark Reid, Telegraph Journal |
Nightline now Online
For anyone who missed it or wants to review it, the Nightline piece is now
available online using RealVideo (which can be downloaded for free at the
same site)
Register to vote on-line!
A brand new site now allows you to register to vote On-Line. This makes
it easier than ever to register and since the web is so heavily pro
reform it is likely to help our movement.
Simply visit
and register. In a week or two you receive a card that must be signed
and returned. Shortly thereafter you will receive you voter
registration authorization.
Please use this to register as many reformers as possible.
Mike Gray Interview with Art Bell On-Line
The Mike Gray Interview on the Art Bell Show was terrific, (nationally
syndicated on 400 radio shows late night Thursday). It can be heard using
RealAudio at:
(You may want to fast forward to the second hour of the show which is
Mike's hour)
This was a really terrific job by Mike. He was knowledgeable,
articulate and covered all the main bases. He took on and debunked the
most prevalent drug war myths. Art is a full blown reformer and tossed
mostly soft balls. Couldn't have been much sweeter.
Mike got out our latest really good drug stat "The number of cops in
jail (due to drug corruption) has gone up 500% in the last 5 years as
well of dozens of other interesting snippets and facts that definitely
moved all but the most ardent drug warrior to both reconsider their
views and/or buy the book.
Art plugged DrugSense on his web site and the new member sign ups went
through the roof this week.
`It has ever been my experience that folks who have no vices have very
few virtues' - Abraham Lincoln
DS Weekly is one of the many free educational services DrugSense offers
our members. Watch this feature to learn more about what DrugSense can
do for you.
News/COMMENTS-Editor: | Tom O'Connell () |
Senior-Editor: | Mark Greer () |
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In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is
distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior
interest in receiving the included information for research and
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