DrugSense Home
DrugSense Weekly
August 1997 #007

A DrugSense publication

Table of Contents

* Breaking News (03/29/25)

* DrugSense This Week

* Getting Started with RealAudio

* Activist News from the 'Net

* Highlights From MAPTalk

* DrugSense Tip of the Week

DrugSense THIS WEEK     (Top)

RealAudio broadcasts of live radio programs are becoming quite popular these days.  Live Internet broadcasts coupled with the fact that most of these shows provide toll-free numbers for listener comments can be a powerful tool for activism.  Now, no matter where you live you can listen to a national radio program live and call in with your views. 

Just as e-mail has been an indispensable asset to our newspaper activism many of us feel that RealAudio can be just as effective in moving us forward with radio events.  Look for features and tips on how you can use RealAudio to boost your activism and success stories from those who are "just doing it" right now in this and future issues of DS Weekly. 

Thanks to Richard Lake, , for this week's feature article, "Getting Started with RealAudio."

Feel free to send comments/suggestions to our editor, Tom Hawkins,


GETTING STARTED with RealAudio     (Top)

by Richard Lake

In response to Mark Greer's appearance on the web via a RealAudio web cast a new member of the MAP lists wrote:

I heard about this, and I have the realaudio software, but it just doesn't work on my computer.  I've tried everything, so I've decided it's not worthwhile? Do you know if I could find the written dialogue of their debate anywhere?

Gosh, as I type this I am listening to Mark discuss MAP and more via a RealAudio link.  Great stuff! IMHO it is worth some effort to get audio or video going as part of your Web experience.  I would have to know just about everything about your computer setup, net connection, etc.  to be able to make any real recommendations.  I found the following FAQ most helpful in understanding the software available and the hardware requirements:


Once you have audio going, a good test is listing to Mark on "It's Pat and Mike's World Wide Web Review." broadcast.  Your RealAudio should start running when you click on the July 5th show on the list of past broadcasts at:


Mark comes on the show at about the first tic mark past the start on your Real player.  If I understand the data on the mono network stream which is showing an 8 Kbps stream it should run ok even on a 14.4 net connection. 

There are some super videos out on the net, too.  I run both the RealPlayer for video and the VDOLive player and find where sites like the following have video in both that it is worth trying to see the difference between one and the other.  More info on both is available at:


A great place to test your video software is Psych@ctive: a weekly news series concentrating on marijuana legalization and the "war on drugs." New episodes are posted every Tuesday. 

The broadcasts available as of this message on their web site are:

Biodiesel:   Make your own fuel with hemp: here's how. 

Dan Baum: The creepiest thing about the war on drugs. 

Hemp for Victory: U.  S. Propaganda film circa 1943 sings the praises of everyone's favorite source of fiber. 

The Honorable Robert Sweet, Federal Judge: The injustices of the war on drugs. 

Doug Malken: How to get Medical Use passed in your own home town. 

Warren Edson: How to avoid arrest. 

Dr.  Jocelyn Elders: Drugs, AIDS, and the CIA.

They are all great, but IMHO both Dan Baum and Dr.  Elders are inspiring!

The web page to find the video clips is:


Their main page is:


on which you will find the ability to sign up for email notification of what each new video is each Tuesday. 

ACTIVIST NEWS from the 'NET     (Top)

Channel 2 in Los Angeles posted the question on their web page: Todd McCormick: Should Marijuana Mansion Grower Go To Jail? Their message board to express your opinion is on their web site at http://www.channel2000.com/talkback/index.html
Let your opinion be heard on this important matter. 

Bob Owen, treasurer for WHEN, the Washington Hemp Education Network, has written a comprehensive report on the history of drug use in America.  You can read the full report, "Compare Legal Drugs With Illegal Drugs," on WHEN's web site at http://www.olywa.net/when/

NORML's report, Still Crazy After All These Years, Marijuana Prohibition 1937-1997, is now available in it's entirety on their web site at http://www.norml.org/warcrimes/crazy/index.shtml

It's time once again for the National Household Survey on Drug Abuse.  Although these kinds of surveys are considered far less than accurate by some many people still use them as the basis for their drug policy views.  You can read the full report on-line, then decide for yourself. http://www.samhsa.gov/oas/nhsda/pe1996/httoc.htm


Subj:   List outage
From:   (Matt Elrod)
Date:   Fri, 08 Aug 1997
URL:   http://www.mapinc.org/lists/maptalk/v97.n385

Hi Gang,

Due to an act of God, an electrical storm in Victoria, the MAP mailing lists and Majordomo have been offline for the last 48 hours.  Things should be back to normal now. 
MAPNews and DND subscribers may notice some numbering peculiarities or duplicate articles.  Sorry for the inconvenience.

Matt ()

Subj:   HEALTH CRISIS: Todd McCormick
From:   Steve Kubby
Date:   Sat, 9 Aug 1997
URL:   http://www.mapinc.org/lists/maptalk/v97.n387

Friday, August 8, 1997


Todd McCormick's health is rapidly deteriorating.  He has lost over 14 pounds since his arrest last week.  Todd is also showing signs that his cancer has returned, but is receiving no medical care, according to Todd's Publisher, Peter McWilliams.  (See related story below)

The courageous medical marijuana user who was already very thin -- and only five feet six inches tall -- has lost a dangerous amount of weight since being incarcerated.  A federal judge has order that Todd NOT be allowed to use medical marijuana, despite the fact that Todd has a prescription from a Dutch physician and is thereby protected by international treaties, as well as The Compassionate Care Act of 1996.  His friends are very concerned for his health. 

from the same post... 


"Am I next?" wonders Medical Marijuana Magazine publisher Peter McWilliams, referring to the recent arrest of his friend and co-author Todd McCormick on medical marijuana charges.  A Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department helicopter circled McWilliams' house at low altitudes for ten minutes around 6:00 p.m.  today. "If I can read its licensee number, it was flying pretty low," said McWilliams.  Helicopter N24IJH was identified as a Sheriff's Department helicopter by Sergeant Davis of the Sheriff's Department. 

Subj:   Marinol---from Dave Ford
From:   "Dave Ford"
Date:   Sat, 9 Aug 1997
URL:   http://www.mapinc.org/lists/maptalk/v97.n388

As usual Dave Fratello does a great job keeping us up to date on the latest propaganda, and honest mj news. 

Roxane Laboratories issued their recurrent "commercial" regarding Marinol.  Roxane seems to be right there for us, when their closest competitor, organic marijuana is being recognized as being superior medicine for many patients who have discovered that smoke cannot be vomited up.  Many patients wonder when attempting to swallow a capsule while gagging with stomach wrenching nausea, 'is this worth over a thousand dollars a month, when I can grow my own medicine for free, that works better?'

Subj:   url for NIH report
From:   Jim Rosenfield
Date:   Sat, 09 Aug 1997
URL:   http://www.mapinc.org/lists/maptalk/v97.n388

The full text of the report is available at

The text will also be at Think, today. 

Jim Rosenfield

From:   Chris Clay (by way of Richard Lake
Date:   Sat, 09 Aug 1997
URL:   http://www.mapinc.org/lists/maptalk/v97.n389




LONDON, ON: The long-awaited verdict in a comprehensive legal challenge to Canada's cannabis laws will be delivered by Judge John McCart on August 14 in the London courthouse.  The outcome could have far-reaching implications for the future of the country's cannabis prohibition. 

The case involves 26-year-old London activist and hemp store owner Chris Clay, who was arrested in 1995 for selling a small cannabis plant to an undercover officer.  Clay enlisted the help of Osgoode Hall law professor Alan Young and his partner, Toronto lawyer Paul Burstein; together, they launched a constitutional challenge and are seeking to have cannabis removed from the criminal code. 

Subj:   SENT: Seattle Times, The Olympian, The Spokesman-Review
From:   rvv
Date:   Sun, 10 Aug 1997
URL:   http://www.mapinc.org/lists/maptalk/v97.n390

Dear News Editor:

Has something died in Washington State? The smell of death is thick and sickening even as it reaches me 2800 miles away.  Perhaps the death of reason, the death of compassion -- smells worse than the vomit and excrement of cancer patients writhing in the aftermath of chemotherapy, while denied the benign drug that brings them relief. 

Subj:   Sent: Focus 32: Don't Do Me any Favors
From:   Jason Alexander Potts
Date:   Mon, 11 Aug 1997
URL:   http://www.mapinc.org/lists/maptalk/v97.n391

To the Editor;

In a state supreme court ruling it was found that the government's authority to protect us outweighs our right to self medication.  First of all, where do these justices think that the government, a government of the people, for the people and by the people gets its "authority"? Apparently, I am under the idealistic notion that one's body is one's own responsibility to do with as one sees fit.  This ideal is upheld by Roe vs.  Wade amongst others. If there is no victim then there is no crime and no need for outside interference. 


In addition to our DrugSense and Media Awareness Project sites there are many "sister sites" dedicated to the DrugSense concept.  Why not stop by one or more the next time you're out web surfing? And remember, tell a friend about DrugSense today. 

Canada MAP, CMAP

United Kingdom MAP, MAP-UK

Washington State MAP, WAMAP

The Drug Policy Forum of Texas

This is just another of the many free services DrugSense offers our members.  Watch this feature weekly to learn more about what DrugSense can do for you. 

The DrugSense Newsletter is compiled and edited by
Tom Hawkins, National Coordinator for DrugSense and MAP

Mark Greer
Media Awareness Project (MAP) inc. 
d/b/a DrugSense


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