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DPFWI does the
Access Hour!
So far, DPFWI's
Gary Storck and Bruce Rideout have programmed two 55 minute shows on The Access
Hour on WORT Community Radio 89.9 FM in Madison Wisconsin. The shows are now
available online in Real Audio.
- Monday, March 3,
2003: Medical Marijuana and Jury Nullification
Bruce Rideout and Gary Storck discuss medical marijuana and jury nullification with guests Bill Currier of
Fully Informed Jury Association (FIJA) Wisconsin and cannabis writer Ed Rosenthal, discussing his federal conviction for growing medical cannabis for California patients. Bill Currier's interview starts about 15 minutes into the program, and Ed Rosenthal is featured on the second half.
Find out how you can help Ed by visiting www.green-aid.com
- Monday, November 18, 2002:
Voting to End the War on Drugs
Gary Storck and Bruce Rideout examine the November 5 election results effect on the war on drugs and drug law reform. The second half features New Jersey medical cannabis activist Jim Miller, whose wife is multiple sclerosis patient Cheryl
Miller. More info about the Millers can be found at The Cherylheart
Project website. Jim talks about the devastating Libertarian Party TV commercial starring Cheryl Miller, which helped defeat GA Rep. Bob Barr in August 2002
"Why Would You Do That To Me,
Bob?", and the outlook for a federal medical cannabis bill in the next session of Congress.
modified Thursday, April 10, 2003 04:12:46 PM