Drug Policy Forum of WisconsinWelcome to the Drug Policy Forum of Wisconsin Home Page, and home of the DPFWI discussion list. Founded November 1998, the Drug Policy Forum of Wisconsin is a virtual organization consisting of a diverse group of activists from all over Wisconsin who understand that the so-called "war on drugs" is a failure and that it is time to adopt a more humane approach to drug policies. While the emphasis of DPFWI is on cannabis, particularly of the medicinal variety, all areas of drug policy reform are represented. The Drug Policy Forum of Wisconsin website is one of a family of Wisconsin drug policy reform websites hosted by the good folks at DrugSense.org. These days, the DPFWI website functions as more of a historical archive of WI drug policy reform. The DPFWI discussion list continues to provide a forum for drug policy reform talk in WI. Madison NORML is another member of this family, and offers a blog with commentary and news on cannabis related news in WI. In addition, Is My Medicine Legal YET? is a medical cannabis only site. There is also a website for Wisconsin NORML, as well as a couple non-DrugSense hosted sites, the home page on My Space of Madison's Great Midwest Marijuana Harvest Festival, held each fall. HF 2008 will be the 38th incarnation of this historic event. Finally, there is a Madison NORML page on Madison.com's Community Pages. There is also a Facebook presence for IMMLY and WI NORML. These sites are mostly edited by a single volunteer, so please bear with us if a page has not been updated as regularly as would a site with proper funding. The DPFWI mailing list provides a place for Wisconsin activists to discuss developments and strategies regarding drug policy reform in the Badger state and beyond. The website is also intended to be a resource for those interested in furthering drug policy reform in Wisconsin. Check out the Activist Calendar for upcoming events in Wisconsin and vicinity. Visit the News page for links to articles about recent developments in Wisconsin. And be sure to visit the Medicinal Cannabis pages, chronicling the drive to enact legislation to protect state patients who benefit from this therapy. DPFWI Calendar: Updated Friday, June 06, 2008 02:53 PM Madison NORML Blog: Steve Kagen votes to arrest medical marijuana patients: John Gard would approve Madison NORML blog: Medical Marijuana in Wisconsin: Looking Back at 2007: Part One / Part Two SOME OLDER NEWS: Madison NORML blog: Wisconsin Assembly Bill 740 regarding the medical use of marijuana -- Born: October 11, 2005 - Died: March 9, 2006 Madison NORML blog: Medical Marijuana in Wisconsin: Looking Back at 2005: Part One./ Part Two
Read Rep. Underheim's new bipartisan Wisconsin medical marijuana bill AB740. Madison's Core Weekly: COFFEE WITH... Gary Storck Wisconsin
reaction to Supreme Court decision March 23, 2005: Wisconsin Legislature Considers Decriminalization March 23, 2005: Madison NORML Blog: Ordinance 23.20 turns 28 April 5 -- The next step: Tax & Regulate? First Medical Cannabis Lobby Day at Wisconsin State Capitol on Wednesday February 16, 2005 December 16, 2004: Madison Channel 27 News: Loophole in Wisconsin Medical Marijuana Ban August 10, 2004: The Capital
Times: August 5, 2004: The
Capital Times:
March 2 2004: Madison Medical Marijuana Awareness Week proclaimed by City Council! February 23, 2004 Wisconsin Medical Marijuana Bill Introduced! Greens and Libertarians agree: Legalize medical cannabis NOW! EDitorial from Ed Thompson: Libertarian Party demands compassion for suffering patients
Wisconsin Radio Network: GOP Rep's Medical Marijuana bill hailed Republican Lawmaker Introduces Medicinal Marijuana Bill Wisconsin Medical Marijuana Law To Be Considered Cheryl Miller Memorial Project HR 2233 States' Rights to Medical Marijuana Act reintroduced in Congress
Listen to DPFWI WORT Access Hour archived radio programs online! View Ed Thompson tv commercial featuring medical marijuana patients Ed Thompson Poll finds over 70% support for medical cannabis in Wisconsin! More Pictures from Harvest Fest 2002! Pictures from the 2002 31st Annual Great Midwest Marijuana Harvest Festival which was held Saturday and Sunday October 5 & 6, 2002 in Madison Wisconsin. October 5, 2002: Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel editorializes in favor of medical cannabis: When it's OK to inhale Wisconsinites For Safe Access (Updated January 8, 2003) Wisconsin News Page (Updated August 23, 2002) Wisconsin patient joins Capitol Hill Press Conference supporting HR 2592 States' Right to Medical Marijuana Act
Photos from U.S. Conference of Mayors Free Speech Stage Drug War Day June 15, 2002 June 6th 2002 was a nation-wide day of action to protest ongoing DEA assaults against medical cannabis dispensaries and patients. The event was coordinated across the U.S. by Americans for Safe Access (http://www.safeaccessnow.org/). An event was held in Madison, Wisconsin at Noon on June 6th 2002. Read a report about the event: Rally backs medical marijuana IMMLY Poll finds Overwhelming Statewide Support for passage of Wisconsin Medicinal Marijuana Bill Medical Marijuana Bill introduced in Wisconsin. AB 715 Introduced 14 January 2002! See: Medicinal Cannabis in Wisconsin (updated July 15, 2002). This website and the DPFWI are hosted by MAP/Drug Sense. Follow this link to find out more about DPFWI, MAP and Drug Sense, and how you can make a difference in this effort.
Tom Crosslin & Rolland Rohm