Keep an eye on Virginia’s
legislative web site for
the Senate Finance Committee’s crossover
meeting, or keep in touch with us.
Most of the really bad stuff such
as the death penalty bill, unemployment, urine testing and mandatory minimum
proposals went down. This thanks to you who called and wrote letters and
especially those who attended meetings during the General Assembly session.
You are patriots in the finest tradition.
Drug Reformers on Line
To harness the
power of the internet for Virginia drug reformers
our own Michael Krawitz of Ironto, Virginia
has sought help from the Media Awareness Project {MAP}
and the Drug Reform Coordination Network
Borden of DRCNet has teamed up with Michael to run the open
where concerned Virginians can post information
and discuss trends in drug policy.
So, if you have internet access go to
DRCNet‘s front page by
typing in
or e-mail
If you wish to receive only the most pertinent
legislative information posted at a low
volume please subscribe to
the list hosted by Mark Greer
of Drug Sense
You can visit DrugSense at
Michael serves as moderator.
web site at
makes it easy
for you to follow all kinds of legislative
activities yourself.
Get Involved
The question is often asked,” What can I do to change the laws?”
There is plenty to do in your own county
or city. If you watch the
agenda of your local government, whether
it be a town council or a county
board of supervisors, you will see the
drug issue come up. By attending you
will have an opportunity to make a significant
impact on how the drug war
is conducted in your community.
We need Newshawks to report on drug policy
This can be done by searching web based
Virginian newspapers, scanning articles
from your local paper and posting them
or giving a brief synopsis of radio or television
news coverage. When you find printed news
articles please email them to the AND to
so that the article can be
archived on the MAPNews web pages and
distributed nationally as well.
Virginians Against Drug Violence
has a close working relationship with
the Marijuana
Policy Project in Washington, D.C. They maintain a mailing
Virginia activists for us and mail legislative updates during the
session. MPP keeps us informed of developments
at the federal level.
There is always something going on.
Contact them at: P.O.
Box 77492, Capital
Hill, Washington D.C. 20013 or call them
at (202)462-5747.
We love to hear from anyone
who wants to get more active. So, call
Werth if you need ideas (804)645-7838, email
or our legislative analyst Roy
Scherer at:
Urine Testers Get Hurt by Legal Hemp Products
The urine
testing industry suffered a setback when a U.S. Air Force
master sergeant was acquitted on charges
stemming from a THC positive test.
It seems that many legal hemp products
like hemp beer, hemp oil and hemp
cheese can cause a positive test result.
Because you have every right to
use these products, urine testers everywhere
are in a tizzy. All kinds of
challenges will become possible, even
reviews of old cases and firings.
Their greatest concern is that this fact
will get out. Just thought you’d
like to know.
Drug Reform Activists Have Significant
in Virginia who wanted to advance their careers by
trampling the lives and families of peaceful
individuals involved in some
way with drugs, found it very slow going
this year. The reform lobby has
an increasingly high profile. But,
we need even more participation. Get
involved with our Telephone Tree project
or on our internet list
and share
information with your friends so we can
be even more effective next
February. Don’t forget to contact your
state legislator sometime this year
to give them background information on
how we can achieve drug peace.