
Virginians Against Drug Violence Calender

July 23-26. 2009
---->>> FLOYDFEST <<<----
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General info about event and volunteering below. PO Box 243 Floyd, VA 24091 ph: 540-745-3358 / fax: 540-745-3892 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 27, 2009 FloydFest invites volunteers to May 2-3 Work Weekend at Festival Site FloydFest will be holding its annual site clean-up this Saturday and Sunday at the festival site at milepost 170.5 off the Blue Ridge Parkway. Anybody interested in bartering labor for a festival ticket is encouraged to participate. The labor exchange is 20 hours of pre-festival work in exchange for a 4-day general admission to FloydFest, July 23-26. FloydFest work weekends have been an annual tradition since the festival’s inaugural year in 2002. “It takes a large labor force to keep up with an 80-acre venue that only hosts a couple of annual events,” says co-founder Erika Johnson. “Particularly after weathering a Parkway winter. There are piles of leaves everywhere, and limbs in the camping areas that need to be cleaned up, plus the usual amount of weeding and general cleaning and maintenance work. Hosting volunteer weekends are a fun way to get the work done – it’s a win-win situation for folks who like to save money on a festival ticket.” Proposed projects for the upcoming weekend include clearing additional camping spaces, minor construction projects, weeding and landscaping, and building a landscape wall under the supervision of Beegle Landscaping, a local sponsor of the event. Another local sponsor, Dreaming Creek Timber Works , will also be present on the May 2 work day, erecting a new timber framed “Front of House” structure that will match the Dreaming Creek stage at HillHoller. The structure is being created from sustainably harvested timbers extracted from Floyd properties by Healing Harvest Forest Foundation, utilizing teams of draft horses. Volunteers are requested to RSVP to for an accurate lunch count, and also to bring tools, trucks, and equipment. Helpful, supervised children are welcome. FloydFest is a celebration of music, arts, culture and life held annually in the Blue Ridge Mountains. FloydFest features over 80 bands on 7 stages plus workshops, healing arts, Global Village, children’s area, and stunning selection of regional art and crafts. For tickets or more information, visit or call 540-745-FEST xxxx

Contact:  Lennice Werth
(434)645-7838 or 645-8816 or by FAX (434)645-8324
436 Whitmore Town Rd.
Crewe, VA  23930

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