Virginians Against Drug Violence

Who are we?
Virginians Against Drug Violence consists largely of citizens of the state of Virginia           representing varied perspectives but united about a common vision of peace.
Drug violence?
Perhaps the most inappropriate use of the weapons of war is to target citizens
because of an identified cultural difference which separates them from the mainstream.
Because the identifying evidence of the drug culture is so subtle and because drug use is so pervasive we all are suspects.
What is the problem?
The war on drugs adversely affects us all in different ways but those whom are often most harmed are the children,
Children are harmed by the loss of a parent to prison [over half of all prisoners are
drug war prisoners and many of them parents]. Young people are targeted by
drug dealers and "special" enforcement tactics from police in addition to Dare
and zero [no] tolerance. The police also fall victim to the drug war. Police find it necessary to spend a great deal of their time investigating/arresting marijuana [cannabis hemp] users and growers which compromises their ability to investigate and close cases leaving violent and more important crimes unsolved and so many victims in despair. The loss of respect for law and order is a big part of the price we pay for the drug war. 
The war on drugs is a moral outrage and a environmental and economic disaster.
What is our agenda?
Please join the drug Policy Forum of Virginia and be part of positive change.
There are ways you can help join in on the fight against injustice and intolerance
right now that are very effective and don't require a large outlay of time or money.
Right now we are working on the following agenda.

    1) Eliminate the mandatory minimums instituted by SABRE - These are based on the federal mandatory minimums, although there is a safety valve thanks to CPR.

        2) Mitigate the third time looser law for drug felons – At this time someone caught growing marijuana can go to prison for life.  Third time loser provisions for drug offenders are draconian and we must work to eliminate them.

        3) Institute a misdemeanor designation for possession of schedule I & II drugs- under current Virginia law there is no misdemeanor charge for personal possession of drugs other than marijuana. This is a hindrance to the appropriate and humane administration of justice here.

        4) Create a civil penalty for marijuana possession – While many offenders do not go to jail for marijuana, too many minority people find themselves locked up for this low level crime. This is one offence that does not need to be punished with jail time for anyone.

        5) Change police policy in such a way that would discourage trivial drug investigations on their part – In some Virginia jurisdictions police are giving a high priority to arresting marijuana offenders. They need a clear directive from policy makers regarding the low priority of these arrests.